Yii2 DbManager class for Oracle databases
Warning: Yii2 is in beta version
I can not guarantee that this package is up-to-date to Yii2 beta framework., (*1)
Oracle required that a table column name to be uppercase. I updated the original \yii\rbac\DbManager class's every attributes name, and included the missing classes because of the new namespace., (*2)
- schema with uppercase letters and Oracle specific syntax for generating the required tables
1.) Download via packagist
by adding the following line to your composer.json
, (*3)
"require": {
"albertborsos/yii2-oracle-dbmanager": "*"
2.) Add or update the following component to your config file:, (*4)
'components' => [
'authManager' => [
'class' => 'vendor\albertborsos\yii2oracledbmanager\DbManager',
'itemTable' => 'TBL_AUTH_ITEM',
'itemChildTable' => 'TBL_AUTH_ITEM_CHILD',
'assignmentTable' => 'TBL_AUTH_ASSIGNMENT',
'ruleTable' => 'TBL_AUTH_RULE',
3.) Create the tables by the schema-oracle.sql
script, (*5)