Disables WP from contacting wp.org servers and disables users from installing anything in wp-admin.
HTML5 Boilerplate's .htaccess for WordPress
Uses robots.txt to not index development/testing environments of this site with search-engines
Predefine WordPress options in your code and force get_option() results.
DM Must-Use Plugin Loader, automatically loads WordPress plugins from subfolders within the mu-plugins folder.
WordPress must-use plugin to register a custom extended front-end menu walker and new wrapper function for BEM styled CSS classes.
Enable WordPress actions and filter callbacks to be called exactly once.
Helper for the WordPress object cache and transients
Wordpress mu plugin that enables Yoast settings to be stored per language created in Polylang
Developers toolset for WordPress
WordPress plugin that generates a JSON sitemap on non-production environments - for use with UnCSS as a PostCSS plugin
A WordPress package for environment configuration.
Wordpress plugin for adding custom post types used on https://www.visithalland.com.
Wordpress plugin for adding custom taxonomies used on https://www.visithalland.com.
Enable Visual mode in CloudFront
Custom APIs endpoints for croissant-heavy
Croissant plugin to cache all oembed results
21st digital Wordpress helper functions
WonderWP autoloader
WonderWP Plugin Generator
A WordPress plugin which transliterates slugs of newly created posts and uploaded files.
Fixes bad behaviour with 404 redirect when NOBLOGREDIRECT constant is defined on Multisite installs.
WordPress HTTP caching helpers.
Deactivate unhelpful Wordpress plugins on non-production sites.
WordPress mu-plugin for a faster wp_nav_menu.
WordPress mu-plugin for a faster load_textdomain.
Custom APIs endpoints for croissant-heavy
axelspringer action wpservices
axelspringer action url
Filter the feeds for an absolute of uploads in the frontend
axelspringer action only admin
axelspringer action post
axlespringer action reveal post id
axelspringer action rewrite
axelspringer action upload
Allows to display links in the admin bar
aws integrations
enable default plugins
Whether a post should be skipped for AMP.
axelspringer filter dashboard
axelspringer filter http
axelspringer filter image
axelspringer filter override l10n
axelspringer filter post
axelspringer filter rest api