Requires PHP 7.0 and WordPress 4.6, (*1)
Syncs synchronizes attachments, posts and terms between multisites, (*2)
composer require isotopsweden/wp-syncs
Example configuration for post types:, (*3)
// With `register_post_type`
register_post_type( 'book', [
'syncs' => true
] );
// With the filter.
add_filter( 'syncs_post_types', function ( $post_types ) {
return ['page', 'post', 'book'];
} );
Example configuration for taxonomies:, (*4)
// With `register_taxonomy`
register_taxonomy( 'group', 'post', [
'syncs' => true
] );
// With the filter.
add_filter( 'syncs_taxonomies', function ( $taxonomies ) {
return ['tag', 'category', 'group'];
} );
How the sync works
Created data
When a new post, term or attachment is created on a multisite it will be created on the other multisites and all obeject ids will be linked with a global sync id that is stored in the syncs
table like this:, (*5)
id |
sync_id |
object_id |
object_type |
site_id |
1 |
1 |
15 |
post |
1 |
2 |
1 |
32 |
post |
2 |
3 |
1 |
90 |
post |
3 |
All sync ids are stored as metadata on objects just because of WP_Query
, when you read sync_id
with get_metadata
it actual reads from the syncs
table., (*6)
Updated data
When a post, term or attachment is updated on a multisite the master it's the multisite where the user is updating. The other objects on other multisites will be removed and created again with the same global sync id but with new object ids. That's why you can't use object id as a id, instead you have to use sync_id
value. It can be access via get_metadata
or syncs()->get_sync_id( $object_id, $object_type, [$site_id = 0] )
, (*7)
Deleted data
When a post, term or attachment is deleted it will be deleted on all multisites and the sync_id
will be deleted., (*8)
You can run wp syncs sync
to synchronizes all posts from one site to all other sites., (*9)
MIT © Isotop, (*10)