Fake data
Automatically add HTTP2 Link headers for CSS, JS and image assets.
Use Imgix with Craft
Configure where to send users after they logout.
Use Mobile_Detect for detecting mobile devices (including tablets)
Triggers an event for entries when they are published or expire in the future
Fieldtype that allows you to create random things via chance.js
Restrict access to the CP based on a IP whitelist
Simple URL shortening
A fieldtype that allows you to select a template from a dropdown.
Easily store some loose values into files
Craft redactor font awesome plugin for Craft 3
A Helper for the Mailchimp API
Image transforms gone wild
Simple Craft plugin for subscribing to a MailChimp list.
A fieldtype that parses Twig when an element is saved, and saves the result as plain text.
Image field with advanced options and validations.
Communicate and process data to and from the ChurchSuite API
Configurable URL field that provides multiple format restrictions and validation.
Simple visualization panel that lists related elements in their associated editors.
Restore missing foreign key constraints in the database.
Craft 3 plugin that provides an easy way to provide and manage a XML sitemap for search engines like Google and Bing
Adds special classes to the Control Panel's <body> tag.
Add custom CSS to your Control Panel.
Add custom JavaScript to your Control Panel.
Take stock of your field usage.
Identify your matrix blocks by giving each type a different color.
Customizable statistics widgets and entry tracking for Google Analytics.
Fully integrated Backup solution for Craft CMS
Fully responsive and customizable Slider plugin for Craft CMS
Access logs from the CP
Postmark mail adapter
A TWIG trigger token for Craft CMS
A Craft 3 plugin that integrates with fortrabbit's S3 compatible Object Storage
Plugin to let you know if your CMSes/plugins need updated
H2G Internetagency Utilities
A simple plugin to extract media information from websites, like youtube videos, twitter statuses or blog articles.
Simple Sharing generates social media share links within CP entry pages, allowing you to quickly & easily share entries.
Serve password protected files
Integrate Instagram into Craft CMS.
Utilise the Guzzle HTTP client from within your Craft templates.
Error tracking that helps developers monitor and fix crashes in real time. Iterate continuously. Boost efficiency. Improve user experience.
Add CSV data import functionality to the native Table fieldtype.
Add a Happy Brad to your Craft CMS Dashboard.
Easily create child elements
PlainText drop-in replacement that can be set to disabled, hidden or readonly.
Like Lettering.js, but in Twig
Returns a list of Craft/Vue/React route rules and element URLs for ServiceWorkers from Craft entries
Custom Fractal plugin