CoreShop - Inventory Bundle
CoreShop - PostFinance Bundle
Adds advanced blog features to Pimcore.
Bundle that based on output channel bundle, this bundle can be triggered by publish a object or by commandline.
CoreShop - Heidelpay Bundle
CoreShop - Powerpay Bundle
CoreShop - Saferpay Bundle
Pimcore 5.x communication services
Pimcore Bundle for w-vision
Ldap bundle for Pimcore
CoreShop - Workflow Bundle
Pimcore Dynamic Dropdown
CoreShop - Pimcore Extension Bundle
CoreShop - Curabill Bundle
The Process Manager allows you to manage (define,execute...) arbitrary processes/commands in the Pimcore backend.
Pimcore Bundle for defining alternate object trees based on data object attributes
CoreShop - SEO Bundle
Pimcore Admin Snow Effect Extension
fix pimcore deployment trouble