WARNING: THIS IS NOT mature software, it's released with testing, educational, developing purposes. It's on a very
early version, so don't rely the life of anybody on it., (*1)
This is a SimpleSAMLphp module that works with Information Cards technologies and provides two basic functionalities:, (*2)
RP: acting as a Relying Party, you can accept user authentication through InfoCards consuming tokens sent by
an STS., (*3)
STS: acting as a Secure Token Service you can provide information to a RP generating tokens. Currently, only
user password and self issued credentials are supported., (*4)
InfoCard Generator: your users could request their InfoCard filling a form with their username and password., (*5)
Very important
This document is not a strict guide, I mean it might have some errors or missed information. I've tried to comment
almost every trick I've used to make the system work and make your life easier. So, if at any point of the installation
you feel lost, breathe twice, think for ten minutes in what you are trying to do, read again the documentation and use
your common sense. It'll be useful when you'll face again the configuration file., (*6)
Once you have installed SimpleSAMLphp, installing this module is very simple. Just execute the following
command in the root of your SimpleSAMLphp installation:, (*7)
composer.phar require simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp-module-infocard:dev-master
where dev-master
instructs Composer to install the master
branch from the Git repository. See the
releases available if you
want to use a stable version of the module., (*8)
When you have successfully installed your module, you need to proceed with the following steps:, (*9)
- Copy the InfoCard folder in your modules directory in your SimpleSAMLphp installation directory.
- Copy (or move) the file
to the config directory in your
SimpleSAMLphp installation directory.
- Edit the
file, you should configure some values like: help_desk_email_URL
, server_key
, server_crt
, sts_crt
, requiredClaims
and optionalClaims
to fit your needs.
- Edit the
file, add the following text before the last );
'InfoCard' => [
- That's all.
Adding an Infocard Generator
- Go into the
- Copy
to www/getinfocard.php
- Edit the
file and uncomment this line:
// 'CardGenerator' => 'getinfocard.php', (delete the heading slashes "//").
- Following the previous example, uncomment this
, sts_key
, tokenserviceurl
and mexurl
- Check the previous values and modify them if you need.
- Read the User functions section.
Adding the STS functionality
- Go into the
- Copy
and extra/tokenservice.php
to the www
- Edit the
file and uncomment the values: certificates
and sts_key
- Read the User functions section.
User functions
Because there are many authentication issues I cannot guess for you, you'll have to code a little bit to fit this
module to your authentication system., (*10)
We we'll work with the file UserFunctions.php
located in modules/InfoCard/lib/
., (*11)
: it receives two strings, username and password, you do the validation (against your database?) and
return true if you want to validate the user or false instead., (*12)
: it's used by the tokenservice to give information about the user to the relying party. It receives
the username, the configured required and optional claims and the claims requested by the RP. It works filling the
claimValues array and your job is the ensure the value variable ($claimValues[$claim]['value']=
) of the array
gets the value you want. Understand that requested values and your configured ones could not match., (*13)
: it's used by the card generator to retrieve needed information. It receives an authenticated username
and returns an array containing information such as the card name, the card image, the expiring time, etc., (*14)
Certificates and hosts
The architecture is composed by three independent elements:, (*15)
User: Identity Selector
IDP: Relying Party
STS: IC and token generation.
That's because you should configure two hosts (with two x509 certificates) if you want two have the IDP and STS
functionalities in the same machine., (*16)