Autotest module
, (*1)
This module provides an interface to do automatic testing of
authentication sources., (*2)
Once you have installed SimpleSAMLphp, installing this module is very simple.
Just execute the following command in the root of your SimpleSAMLphp
installation:, (*3)
vendor/bin/composer require simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp-module-autotest:dev-master
where dev-master
instructs Composer to install the master
branch from the
Git repository. See the releases available if you want to use
a stable version of the module., (*4)
The module is disabled by default. If you want to enable the module once installed,
you just have to add it to the module.enable
array in your config.php
., (*5)
This module provides three web pages:, (*6)
All the web pages have a mandatory parameter 'SourceID', which is the name of
the authentication source., (*7)
On success, the web pages print a single line with "OK". The attributes page
will also list all the attributes of the user. On error they set the HTTP
status code to 500 Internal Server Error, print a line with "ERROR" and then
any information about the error., (*8)
Note: You still have to parse the login pages to extract the
parameters in the login form., (*9)