9999999-devGet attribute from any rest api
The Requires
v1.0.0 attribute from any rest api
The Requires
Get attribute from any rest api
This module provides an authprocfilter, that get attributes from rest api in json format., (*1)
You can install the module with composer:, (*2)
composer require niif/simplesamlphp-module-attributefromrestapi
The NameID of the request will be in the attribute as defined above. For example eduPersonPrincipalName. If this nameId is not in the users's attributes there will be shown an exception page, and the authentication process will be stopped., (*3)
config/config.php, (*4)
authproc.sp = array( ... '60' => array( 'class' => 'attributefromrestapi:AttributeFromRestApi', 'nameId_attribute_name' => 'subject_nameid', // look at the aa authsource config 'api_url' => '', ),
Get attribute from any rest api
Get attribute from any rest api