9999999-devCollect attributes from backend databases like sql or ldap
The Requires
v1.0.0 attributes from backend databases like sql or ldap
The Requires
Collect attributes from backend databases like sql or ldap
simplesamlphp auth proc filter, that get attributes from backend database and set to attributes array., (*1)
This code is delivered from:, (*2)
Configure this module as an Auth Proc Filter. More info at, (*3)
In the following example the filter is configured for only one hosted IdP editing the file saml20-idp-hosted, (*4)
$metadata = array( 'ssp-idp' => array( ... 'authproc' => array( 10 => array( 'existing' => 'preserve', 'class' => 'attributecollector:AttributeCollector', 'uidfield' => 'subject', 'collector' => array( 'class' => 'attributecollector:SQLCollector', 'dsn' => 'pgsql:host=localhost;dbname=ssp-extra', 'username' => 'ssp-extra', 'password' => 'ssp-extra', 'query' => 'SELECT * from extra where subject=:uidfield', ) ) ), ... ) );
The filter needs the following options:, (*5)
The following option is optional:, (*6)
The collector configuration array needs at least one option:, (*7)
Some other options may be needed by the collector, refer to the collector documentation., (*8)
Collect attributes from backend databases like sql or ldap
Collect attributes from backend databases like sql or ldap