9999999-devSimpleSAMLphp utilities for Hub & Spoke federations
The Requires
by Miguel MacĂas EnguĂdanos
saml simplesamlphp idp sp hub-and-spoke edupersontargetedid
SimpleSAMLphp utilities for Hub & Spoke federations
A flexible way for generate one or more values for the eduPersonTargetedId attribute., (*1)
hubandspoke:TargetedID is an Authentication Processing Filter for SimpleSAMLphp, based on core:TargetedID by Olav Morken, UNINETT AS., (*2)
This filter generates one or more values for the eduPersonTargetedID attribute, using:, (*3)
Configuration allows:, (*4)
Read the docs to see all the options., (*5)
'authproc' => array( 50 => 'hubandspoke:TargetedID', ),
sha256(userID + '@@' + targetID + '@@' + sourceID)
'authproc' => array( 50 => array( 'class' => 'hubandspoke:TargetedID', 'salt' => 'randomString', ), ),
sha256(salt + '@@' + userID + '@@' + targetID + '@@' + sourceID + '@@' + salt)
'authproc' => array( 50 => array( 'class' => 'hubandspoke:TargetedID', 'userID' => 'Attributes/mail', 'fields' => array('salt', 'userID', 'targetID'), 'salt' => 'randomString', ), ),
sha256(salt + '@@' + mail + '@@' + targetID)
'authproc' => array( 50 => array( 'class' => 'hubandspoke:TargetedID', 'salt' => 'randomString', 'values' => array( 'new' => array( 'fieldSeparator' => '//', ), 'old' => array( 'hashFunction' => 'md5', 'fields' => array('userID'), ), ), ), ),
sha256(salt + '//' + userID + '//' + targetID + '//' + sourceID + '//' + salt) md5(userID)
'authproc' => array( 50 => array( 'class' => 'hubandspoke:TargetedID', 'salt' => 'randomString', 'values' => array( 'new' => array( 'prefix' => '{new}', 'targetTransform' => array( '#^(https?://)[^./]+\.(blogs\.example\.com)(/|$).*$#' => '$1$2/', ), ), 'old' => array( 'prefix' => '{old}', 'hashFunction' => 'md5', 'userID' => array('Attributes/mail', 'UserID'), 'fields' => 'userID', 'ifTarget' => '#^https?://([^./]+\.)*example\.com(/|$)#', ), ), ), ),
'{new}' + sha256(salt + '@@' + userID + '@@' + targetID* + '@@' + sourceID + '@@' + salt) '{old}' + md5(userID) only for *
SimpleSAMLphp utilities for Hub & Spoke federations
saml simplesamlphp idp sp hub-and-spoke edupersontargetedid