9999999-devSmartyExtensions plugin bundle for Newscoop
The Requires
- php >=5.3.3
- newscoop/plugins-installer *
- guzzle/guzzle dev-master
by Mark Lewis
cms newscoop integration smarty-extensions
SmartyExtensions plugin bundle for Newscoop
NewscoopSmartyExtensionsPluginBundle, (*1)
Handled by Newscoop Plugin Manager, (*2)
{{ array_multisort array1=$array array2=array assaign=sorted_array }}
The above code will set a template variable called 'sorted_array' with the sorted array of array1 and array2 using the PHP function array_multisort, (*3)
{{ set_current_article_events_date }}
Used in kobinet templates to sort arrays and set current_article_events_date template var, (*4)
{{ set_art_data }}
Used in kobinet templates to sort arrays and set art_data_array template var, (*5)
{{ set_current_date }}
Used in templates to set cMonth and cYear template vars, (*6)
{{ show_calendar }}
Used in templates to output calendar for requested month and year, (*7)
SmartyExtensions plugin bundle for Newscoop
cms newscoop integration smarty-extensions