2017 © Pedro Peláez

newscoop-plugin google-events-plugin-bundle

GoogleEvents plugin for Newscoop



GoogleEvents plugin for Newscoop

  • Tuesday, June 21, 2016
  • by newscoop
  • Repository
  • 20 Watchers
  • 2 Stars
  • 141 Installations
  • PHP
  • 0 Dependents
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  • 2 Forks
  • 0 Open issues
  • 1 Versions
  • 0 % Grown


Newscoop GoogleEventsPluginBundle

This Newscoop Plugin adds smarty functions and Admin tools to enable you to ingest, manage, and display Google calendar events in Newscoop., (*1)


Installation is a quick process:, (*2)

  1. How to install this plugin?
  2. That's all!

Step 1: How to install this plugin?

Run the command: ``` bash $ php application/console plugins:install "newscoop/google-events-plugin-bundle" $ php application/console assets:install public/, (*3)

Plugin will be installed to your project's `newscoop/plugins/Newscoop` directory.

### Step 2: That's all!
Go to Newscoop Admin panel and then open `Plugins` tab. The Plugin will show up there. You can now use the plugin.


To update this plugin run the command:
``` bash
$ php application/console plugins:update "newscoop/google-events-plugin-bundle"
$ php application/console assets:install public/

To remove this plugin run the command: ``` bash $ php application/console plugins:remove "newscoop/google-events-plugin-bundle", (*4)

Documentation: ------- A more detailed documentation can be found [here](https://wiki.sourcefabric.org/display/NPS/Google+Events+Plugin). ### Google Events View Provides endpoint, **/google-events/events** for viewing all google events (cached locally). Loads template **Resources/views/GoogleEvents/google_events.tpl** or **_views/google_events.tpl** if it exists in the loaded theme. Usage: ```smarty {{ foreach $events as $event }} <div> <a href="/google-events/events/{{ $event->getId() }}">{{ $event->getId() }}</a> <br /> {{ $event->getSummary() }} <br /> {{ $event->getStart()|date_format:"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" }} - {{ $event->getEnd()|date_format:"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"}} </div> {{ /foreach }}

Google Event View

Provides endpoint, /google-events/events/{id} for viewing single google event (cached locally). Loads template Resources/views/GoogleEvents/google_event.tpl or _views/google_event.tpl if it exists in the loaded theme., (*5)

Usage:, (*6)

  {{ $event->getId() }}
  {{ $event->getDescription() }}
  {{ $event->getStart()|date_format:"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" }} -
  {{ $event->getEnd()|date_format:"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"}}
  {{ $event->getCreatorDisplayName() }}
  {{ $event->getCreatorEmail() }}
  {{ $event->getSummary() }}
  {{ $event->getHtmlLink() }}

Note that this only searches the locally stored InstagramPhoto entities, it does NOT make a call to the Instagram Api, (*7)

Provides endpoint /google-events/search, which takes the following params:, (*8)

  1. search - search string, matches against caption, username, tags, and locationName fields
  2. perPage - number of records per page to send in the results
  3. offset - the first record to start with (used for pagination)

Results are delivered to _views/google_events_search_results.tpl, if defined in your theme, or a default internal view is used., (*9)

List Google Evenets Smarty Block

Provides a smarty block to list instagrams photos with a specfific hashtag., (*10)

Usage:, (*11)

{{ list_google_events length=30 }}
    {{ $event->getSummary() }}
    {{ $event->getStart()|date_format:"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" }}
    {{ $event->getEnd()|date_format:"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" }}
{{ /list_google_events }}


This bundle is under the GNU General Public License v3. See the complete license in the bundle:, (*12)



This Bundle is a Sourcefabric z.ú. initiative., (*13)

The Versions

21/06 2016



GoogleEvents plugin for Newscoop

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The Requires


by Mark Lewis

events newscoop google-events