Yii2 workbench support for yii2 extension development
Yii 2 User Authentication & Role Based Access Control (RBAC) Module Fork of robregon
Generates a Dash compatible docset for Yii2
Yii2 Material Design Lite Extension
Yii2 extension for 2checkout library
BlueImp file upload widget for Yii2
Simple logger implementation to works on heroku services
Online chat based on web sockets and ratchet php
Yii2 Dashboard
The wechat module for the Yii framework
The wechat api for the Yii framework
Eonasdan's Bootstrap-Datetimepicker Assets for Yii Framework 2.
Validators for Yii2
jQuery Flot Assets for Yii Framework 2.
An extension for displaying Google AdSense ads.
Phone number validator for Yii Framework2
Postal code validator for Yii Framework2
jQuery Color Assets for Yii Framework 2.
Moment.js Assets for Yii Framework 2.
M+ 1p webfont asset for Yii Framework 2 (uses Google Fonts)
Twitter Widget Assets for Yii Framework 2.
Ubuntu webfont asset for Yii Framework 2 (uses Google Fonts)
Zxcvbn Assets for Yii Framework 2.
Component and module to manage unique seo title, description, keywords and unique text associated with a page
Behavior for automatic serialization and deserialization ActiveRecord's attributes
Unify bootstrap template
c3.js widget for Yii 2 Framework.
Yii2 extension is a wrapper for the jquery slider 'sly' http://darsa.in/sly/
Yii2 Admin theme modify from DevOOPS bootstrap 3 source 'https://github.com/nnmware/devoops'
The Qiniu Ailiyun ftp local integration for the Yii framework
Yii2 Port of Yii 1.1 CDataProviderIterator
Yii2 Alipay
Yii2 腾讯 cos 文件上传
Yii2 curl
Yii2 Ip to Location
Yii2 公共信息提示
Yii2 数值转人民币
Yii2 运行信息
Display Items in a view
Seo Manager for every Site
Generates migrations from existing database schema
Simple RBAC module for Yii 2 framework
Wrapper around the Tubular JQuery plugin
JavaScript Load Image is a library to load images provided as File or Blob objects or via URL. It returns an optionally scaled and/or cropped HTML img or canvas element. It also provides a method to parse image meta data to extract Exif tags and thumbnails and to restore the complete image header after resizing.
Yii2 Bonus code
yii2 images module for storing images
An enhanced side navigation menu styled for bootstrap (sub repo split from yii2-widgets)
A useful helper function for time calculations - especially for durations - for Yii Framework 2
Yii2 simple RBAC with 5 main roles
Morris.js charts widget for Yii2.