Yii2 Migration class
Yii2 models library
Yii2 extension which allow send sms using multiply providers. Now available Nexmo provider
Yii2 traits library
AjaxSubmitButton renders an ajax button which is very similar to ajaxSubmitButton from Yii1.
Yii2 wrapper for jquery-backstretch, a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized, slideshow-capable background image to any page or element. (https://github.com/danielgindi/jquery-backstretch)
Yii2 widget for creating nice looking css map
Create a flexible, opinionated sorting plugin for jQuery
Yii2 wrapper for the mobile-friendly, responsive, and lightweight jQuery date & time input picker.
Create sortable lists and grids using HTML5 drag and drop API for Yii 2.0.
Yii2 jQuery Sudo Slider widget
Yii2 superfish jQuery menu widget
The UIkit front-end framework extension for the Yii framework
Yii2 wrapper for Vex, a modern dialog library (https://github.com/HubSpot/vex)
Darkside CMS
Yii2 turbosms
This is widget wrapper of hoverIntent https://github.com/briancherne/jquery-hoverIntent for Yii2.
Yii2 module for content lazy loading
Sortable widget for yii2.
Wavesurfer audio widget for yii2.
ChartJs widget for Yii2
Classes in global namespace autoload for Yii 2.X
Controller in global namespace loader for Yii 2.X
CKEditor widget for Yii2.
Yii2 file upload delete and storage
Asset Bundle for Yii2 with bootstrap-social https://lipis.github.io/bootstrap-social/
Record replacer a help tool for yii2 framework
doh oauth2 client
Contact form with database to assign contacts to users/departments.
Yii2 filemanager
Widget to output all flash messages as growls.
Adds a button to quickly turn forcecopy on/off in the asset manager .
Country, state, county, city and zip codes with CRUD controls.
Generate Heroku-like random names to use in your Yii2 php applications.
Collection of useful widgets for Yii Framework 2.0 extending functionalities
Yii2 Bootstrap Panel
A Yii2 extension for easy handling multistep forms.
Classes base, utilitários para utilização nos meus projetos pessoais e nas extensões prontas.
Módulo de deploy automático no formato de Modules do Yii Framework 2
Implementação padrão de um Módulo de Usuários para meus projetos pessoais no Yii2
An extension to integrate PayUMoney with yii2
Purolator Service for shipping
Releases project manager module for Yii2