Upload and process files and images for Yii2
Sangkilbiz api
Sangkilbiz3 client
yii2 adminlte theme
Yii2 angular extension
Yii2 widgets for angularjs
Yii2 base tools
Yii2 console command
Yii2 database tools
Yii2 libraries development project
Yii2 custom generator for gii
Yii2 Handsontable widget
Yii2 simple queue
Yii2 rest extension
Yii2 rest extension
Yii2 application tools
Extension for cms Store in yii2
Yii2 slug behavior
A special controller for your frontend department that allows for easy access to any view/layout combination without going through their respective controllers (avoiding the need to login or have a db).
Node.js web-sockets support
Cronner for yii2
Extension google maps for 2amigos google map for yii2
Yii 2 Autoparser
Yii 2 Validator for unique range dates
Yii 2 Geocoder with Yandex Geocoder API and Google Maps API
Simple ToDo List
Passfield widget for Yii2
RBAC management module for Yii2
Flexible user registration and authentication module for Yii2
SDK for Liqpay
I use it in my own project. It can be not stable
AssetBundle for http://daneden.github.io/animate.css/
Basic Yii2 site backup methods
Yii2 module for comments management
Yii2 wrapper for Image Cropper javascript library
Yii2 console command for making site backups and upload it to your dropbox account
A set of Yii2 helpers
Yii2 behavior for upload image to model
Yii2 wrapper for reCAPTCHA widget
Hiding personal data(email, phone, etc.) from spam grabbing
Library for working with SEO parameters of models
Yii2 component for generate sitemap.xml files.
Yii2 behavior for sorting models
Generate Yii2 database migrations in the gii interface
Yii2 component for submiting errors to outer logging system
The izin module for Yii framework.
Yii2 behaviors library
Yii2 extension which allows to get application parameters, text or email templates from database tables or from default config, to import and to manage them from admin panel dynamically.
Yii2 extension which allows to get sections at administrator's panel without creation controllers and views dynamically.
Yii2 helpers library