Yii2 widget that displays controllable timer/stopwatch
Yii2 TQT
Yii2 file upload and storage kit
Yii2 Multilingual Module
EasyGo implementation of HiPanel
HiDev plugin for PHPStan
YiiSoft vendor configuration for HiDev
Swagger 扩展
yii2 aliyun sms
Test Extensions
Generate Relational (hasMany, hasOne, belongsTo, & nested) Models & CRUD.
Godaddy api library
Vue for yii2 web application
Fluid Player is a new free HTML5 video player. It is lightweight, easy to integrate and has advanced VAST capabilities.
Wrapper for fluid player to use it with Yii2 Framework.
iPaya Core
iPaya 异步任务之 Yii 框架管理模块及 API 模块。
Explode code
The React.js library extension for the Yii framework
Theme for Yii2 Web Application based on Bootflat
Extension provides functionality for console logger
Extension provides functionality for simple daemons creation and control
Allows developers to provide a search query interface similar to Sphinx
A tabbed initerface alternative using a jquery plugin I also wrote
Mautic API Client with integration into Yii2
Extension provide very simply use enum for models (and others) in yii2
Enhanced Yii2 model validator components / utilities for Yii2 Framework
ecshop 数据导入到 fecshop
fecshop支付-易极付 国际信用卡支付,支持 Visa, MasterCard, JCB卡种等
Blueimp file upload widget for Yii2
Yii2 图片裁剪插件
Yii2 快递100接口
Yii2 area extension
Yii2-Webshell allows you to execute any shell command from a web-interface.
Generators for Yii2(gii)
Notificator for Yii2
Tree view for Yii2
User component for Yii2
yii2 Active Directory implementation (wrapper for Adldap2)
jsTree is jquery plugin, that provides interactive trees
This is the Toastr extension for Yii 2. It encapsulates Toastr plugin in terms of Yii widgets, and makes ajax notification easy to implement.
Yii2 elasticsearch client
Yii 2.0 Non blocking queue extension.
Module for files attachment
Sortable modification of Kartik Yii2 GridView widget
Gestión de almacenamiento para Yii2.
Node.js web-sockets support for Yii2
Dsn parser helper for Yii2