yii2 Gii CRUD шаблон для администрирования через SinglePage Ajax
RBAC Auth manager for Yii2
Base library and foundation components for all Yii2 Krajee extensions.
An enhanced FileInput widget for Bootstrap 3.x with file preview, multiple selection, and more features (sub repo split from yii2-widgets)
The Yii2 component for uploading files to the server.
RBAC Auth manager for Yii2
AdminLTE backend theme asset bundle for Yii 2.0 Framework
Extension redactor for Yii2 Framework.
This widget is wrapper for awesome jQuery plugin Colorbox
It is widget to yii2 framework to clone form elements in a nested manner, maintaining accessibility.
Yammer component for Yii framework
Yammer component for Yii framework
Email queue component for yii2 that works with yii2-swiftmailer.
Images manager module for Yii2.
Game module
Yii2 rpc client and server classes
Twilio sms for sending otp messages to the users
Dropdown with an ability to render HTML tags
Yii2 extension for FIAS database
Composer package for implementing FezVrasta's bootstrap material design in Yii2.
Couchbase extension for the Yii framework with ActiveRecord, QueryBuilder and Migration support.
Very simple extension for optimize your folders with images or just images
Yii2 widget for using CoinHive captcha in application forms.
Flexible user registration and authentication module for Yii2
use redis queue send email
Font Awesome Icon Picker is a fully customizable plugin for Twitter Bootstrap, with a powerful base API, based on fontawesome-iconpicker
Blog module for yii2
Yii-Framework extension for uploading and cropping images
Libs for yii2-shop
Simple extension for register Yii2 class definition
backend theme asset bundle for Yii 2.0 Framework;基于H+的后台模板第一版
This component allows modules to create rules for UrlManager by method
Image saving extension for yii2
Yii2 API 精简版
PHP 5.6+ Sendgrid integration for the Yii framework
Handy module for using dadata.ru service
zhutong SMS yii2 extension
Websocket broadcasting module
Yii2 Cart
Multi step wizard widget using tabs to guide a user through steps to complete a task. Based on the Form wizard (using tabs) from lukepzak (see http://bootsnipp.com/snippets/featured/form-wizard-using-tabs).
RBAC Auth manager for Yii2
yii2 slide validate
yii2 bootstrap sweet alert
AdminLTE backend theme asset bundle for Yii 2.0 Framework
UMeditor,简称UM,是为满足广大门户网站对于简单发帖框,或者回复框需求所定制的在线富文本编辑器。 UM的主要特点就是容量和加载速度上的改变,主文件的代码量为139k,而且放弃了使用传统的iframe模式,采用了div的加载方式, 以达到更快的加载速度和零加载失败率。现在UM的功能版本, 虽然有删减,但也有增加,比如拖拽图片上传,chrome的图片拖动改变大小等。让UM能在功能和体积上达到一个平衡。