Bad word filter for Yii2
Queue component for Yii2.
ueditor widget for Yii2.
wechat sdk for Yii2.
implementation pattern design 'lazy load' for components of yii2
RocketShipIt Composer
Extension for Yii2 to work with categories and items in them
Alipay Wechatpay for Yii2
Yii2 Collaborative tools for open source projects.
Integration tu consume API (
Print documents and views using Google Cloud Print service.
Embed Zendesk chat widget for Yii2
Add shopify functionalities to your Yii2 project like buy buttons and cart visualization
spotify, utilities for yii2 framework
Custom config
Advanced Gii extension generator with travis-ci and test skeleton
Remember user-filled form data
Targets, management, infrastructure
Component for maintenance mode behavior, focused on retrieve status from external configuration
alternative way for work with breadcrumbs and meta
Multifs Manager based on (League\Flysystem\MountManager) for work with set of filesystems.
Yii2 OpCache module - Show statistic, config, reset all, invalidate files, search in cached files
Generate test skeletons for file or whole directory with target file methods (codeception/phpunit - based on template)
Alert widget based on SweetAlert2 {@link
Cookie info - widget for yii2 appliacations
Create thumnails ad-hoc
Lightweight firebase url shortener
Hittable behavior for entities.
yii2 simple currency exchange module
Active Record Json Column Ext
Attaches behavior for a Postgresql jsonb column
A behavior that set the status to 0 when the status_column is set to null. triggered on BaseActiveRecord::EVENT_BEFORE_INSERT and BaseActiveRecord::EVENT_BEFORE_UPDATE
Attaches a Ramsey V4::UUID
Yii2 Blog for other application
Yii2 FAQ extension
Module for subscribe on newsletter
Tree built using Nested Sets and jqTree.
Yii2 csv
Yii2 extension js tree
Yii2 message system
Yii2 quill rich text editor
Yii2 redis queue based on pub/sub
Yii2 Helper Utils Extend
QQWry、upLookup、ipToCity integration for the Yii2 framework
The Qiniu 、ftp、local、aliyun-oss integration for the Yii2 framework
CKEditor widget for Yii2.
Podium forum extended from juraev\podium
Quill editor implementation for Yii 2.
Dynamic finder trait for Yii2-framework