Clean Chosen widget for Yii2
AMQP based task queue
Braintree for Yii2
Form builder for Yii2
Implementation of JSON API specification for the Yii framework
This is the Materialize extension for Yii framework 2.0. It encapsulates Materialize components and plugins in terms of Yii widgets, and thus makes using Materialize components/plugins in Yii applications extremely easy.
The extension provides support for sending notifications across a variety of delivery channels, including mail, SMS, Slack etc. Notifications may also be stored in a database so they may be displayed in your web interface.
Yii2 youtube extension
Package that provide base CRUD operations, search operations, AJAX pagination.
REST API for Sencha ExtJS 5+
Success/Error/Warning/Info notification component
It helps to manage your app options/settings
Sortable modification of standard Yii2 GridView widget
User management in YII2
extjs for Yii 2.
Widget suite for yii2
Yii2 imagethum
Yii2 nestablemenu
All SEO require for yii2 with i18n
Yii2 extension of synchronization model with social networks
Yii2 KOUOSL Content Module Integration
Form input widget that lets users to upload an image alongside its cropping dimensions.
Animate.css assets for Yii PHP framework 2.0
My best practice and my libraries when using yii2 framework.
Extract colors from an image like a human would do
Widget for handle multiple inputs for an attribute of Yii2 framework model
The cached activeRecord for the Yii2 framework
Yii2 Angular Assets
Yii2 Angular Form
Yii2 Firebase Cloud Messaging adapter
gii tool for generate fixtures with relational data
Yii2 slack client based on Yii HTTP client
Yii2 widget for ckeditor
Translatable ActiveRecord for Yii2.
Smart Layout behavior for Yii framework 2.
Gii CRUD generator for Yii 2 Framework
yii2 extension to read and process mails from IMAP and PHP
RBAC manager for Yii2
This is the base if you want to use the onix backend for your yii2 application for the advanced template
Bootstrap plugin for on-place confirm boxes using Popover for Yii2
Yii2 Markdown Editor based on Bootstrap Markdown.
An Yii2 chosen select extension based on Chosen jQuery plugin.
Yii2 Code syntax highlighter based on Google-Code-Prettify library.
An Yii2 igrowl widget based on iGrowl jQuery plugin.
An Yii2 jQuery Essential assets component.
An Yii2 widget for automatic web page progress bar.
Scroll-to-top button widget for Yii2
An Yii2 Textarea Autosize extension based on Autosize javascript library.
Yii2 Translate Panel makes the translation of your application awesome!