Payeer component for Yii2
Payment gateway and api client for Payeer service., (*1)
Package consists of 2 main components:
- Api
to perform various API calls. For instance: get balance, send money, get account history, etc.
- Merchant
to connect Merchant API and receipt payments, (*2)
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer., (*3)
Either run, (*4)
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist yarcode/yii2-payeer "~1.0"
or add, (*5)
"yarcode/yii2-payeer": "~1.0"
to the require
section of your composer.json., (*6)
Configure payeerApi
component in the components
section of your application., (*7)
'payeerApi' => [
'class' => \yarcode\payeer\Api::class,
'accountNumber' => '<account number>',
'apiId' => '<api ID>',
'apiSecret' => '<your secret>'
You shall wrap API calls using try {} catch() {}
to handle any errors., (*8)
/** @var \yarcode\payeer\Api $api */
$api = Yii::$app->get('payeerApi');
try {
$result = $api->balance();
} catch(ApiException $e) {
// handle API errors here, for instance:
$error = $e->getMessage();
$result = null;
Available Methods
$api->transfer($to, $sum, $curIn, $curOut = null, array $restParams = [])
$api->initOutput($psId, $sumIn, $accountNumber, $curIn = self::CURRENCY_USD, $curOut = null);
$api->output($psId, $sumIn, $accountNumber, $curIn = self::CURRENCY_USD, $curOut = null);
$api->shopOrderInfo($shopId, $orderId);
$api->history(array $params = []);
$api->merchant($shop, $ps, $form, array $restParams = []);
Configure payeer
component in the components
section of your application., (*9)
'payeer' => [
'class' => \yarcode\payeer\Merchant::class,
'shopId' => '<shop ID>',
'secret' => '<merchant secret>',
'currency' => '<default shop currency>' // by default Merchant::CURRENCY_USD
Redirecting to the payment system
To redirect user to Payeer site you need to create the page with RedirectForm widget.
User will redirected right after page load., (*10)
<?= \yarcode\payeer\RedirectForm::widget([
'merchant' => Yii::$app->get('payeer'),
'invoiceId' => $invoiceId,
'amount' => $amount,
'description' => $description,
'currency' => \yarcode\payeer\Merchant::CURRENCY_USD // By default Merchant component currency
]); ?>
Gateway controller
You will need to create controller that will handle result requests from PerfectMoney service.
Sample controller code:, (*11)
// TODO: Finish gateway controller example
MIT, (*12)