Poll widget for yii2, (*1)
The Poll widget for the Yii2 framework allows you to create custom polls for authenticated users to vote on., (*2)
Installing, (*3)
Put the widget directory in apps\basic\vendor\yiisoft, (*4)
To autoloading classes of widget you need add alias in extensions.php which is located in apps\basic\vendor\yiisoft, (*5)
array (
'name' => 'yiisoft/yii2-poll',
'alias' =>
array (
'@mronx/yii2poll' => $vendorDir . '/yiisoft/yii2-poll',
), (*6)
That's all. The widget uses mysql database. But you do not need to create tables. Widget itself will create all the necessary tables in your database., (*7)
Usage, (*8)
At first, import widget classes in view file where you want create poll, (*9)
use mronx\yii2poll\Poll;
Then invoke the widget and specify the name of the poll and the response options, (*10)
echo Poll::widget([
'pollName'=>'Do you like PHP?',
That's all. You will see poll with standard parameters. But you can set your parameters. You can change max width of lines, color, height and background color for lines., (*11)
echo Poll::widget([
'pollName'=>'Do you like PHP?',
'maxLineWidth'=> 200, // in pixels
'backgroundLinesColor'=>'#DCDCDC', //html hex
'linesHeight'=>20, // in pixels
'linesColor'=>'#DC0079' // html hex
So, now you can fast and easy create the polls, (*12)
If you want to change the styles for the poll form, you can do it directly in the view file of poll widget in apps\basic\vendor\yiisoft\yii2-poll\views\index.php, (*13)