Yii2 APNs Extension
Extension for sending Apple push notification, (*1)
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer., (*2)
Either run, (*3)
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist tecsvit/yii2-apns "*"
or add, (*4)
"tecsvit/yii2-apns": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
file., (*5)
Once the extension is installed, simply use it in your code by:, (*6)
into config file:, (*7)
'components' => [
'apns' => [
'class' => '\tecsvit\apns\src\Sender',
'apnsHostProd' => 'gateway.push.apple.com',
'apnsHostTest' => 'gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com',
'apnsPort' => 2195,
'apnsCertProd' => dirname(__DIR__) . '/path/to/prod-serc/apple_push_notification_production.pem',
'apnsCertTest' => dirname(__DIR__) . '/path/to/test-serc/apple_push_notification_test.pem',
'apnsPassphrase'=> dirname(__DIR__) . '/path/to/passphare',
'timeout' => 500000, //microseconds,
'mode' => 'prod' //'prod', 'dev' or 'test', default 'dev'
into your code:, (*8)
* @param array $alert Example: ['alert' => 'Push Message']
* @param string $token Apple token device
* @param bool $closeAfterPush Close the connection after the push?
Yii::$app->apns->send($alert, $token, $closeAfterPush); ?>