9999999-dev class to work with Vkontakte services and API
The Requires
- php >=5.5
- yiisoft/yii2 *
- yiisoft/yii2-httpclient ~2.0.0
yii2 vkontakte vk
Helper class to work with Vkontakte services and API
Helper class to work with Vkontakte services and API., (*1)
Install package by composer, (*2)
{ "require": { "strong2much/yii2-vk": "dev-master" } } Or $ composer require strong2much/yii2-vk "dev-master"
Use the following code in your configuration file. You can use different services, (*3)
'vk' => [ 'class' => 'strong2much\vk\Api' ]
Use the following code to run widget in view:, (*4)
echo strong2much\vk\widgets\ShareButtonWidget::widget([ 'url' => '', ]);
Helper class to work with Vkontakte services and API
yii2 vkontakte vk