Xero API for Yii2
An extension for using the Xero API from within Yii2., (*1)
This extension is based on Xero's XeroOAuth-PHP code at https://github.com/XeroAPI/XeroOAuth-PHP, (*2)
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer., (*3)
Either run, (*4)
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist slightlydiff/yii2-xero "*"
or add, (*5)
"slightlydiff/yii2-xero": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
file., (*6)
Add the following to your application conmfiguration file:, (*7)
'xeroApi' => [
'class' => 'slightlydiff\xero\XeroApi',
'rsa_public_key' => '@app/config/certs/xero_publickey.cer',
'rsa_private_key' => '@app/config/certs/xero_privatekey.pem',
'consumer_key' => 'yourconsumerkey',
'shared_secret' => 'yoursharedsecret',
'useragent' => 'XeroOAuth-PHP'
modifying the above for your own Xero consumer key, shared secret and the path to you public / private key pair., (*8)
For a GET request:
- The first parameter is the only required parameter and must be 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT' or 'DELETE'
- The second parameter can be FALSE or a string ID if you want to get a single record by ID
- The third parameter can be a date/time, in any format, if you want to fetch all records modified since that date
- The fourth parameter can be an array of filters as described at https://developer.xero.com/documentation/getting-started/http-requests-and-responses/. This allows you to filter the query and order the returned data., (*9)
All parameters are optional except the first. If not parameters are passed then all records of the requested type will be returned, (*10)
For a POST or PUT request:
- The first parameter must be the method, as above, and the second param must be a multidimensional array of the data being passed as in the examples below., (*11)
To create a contact see https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/contacts/ for the format and apply as follows:, (*12)
$new_contact = array(
"Name" => "Joe Bloggs",
"FirstName" => "Joe",
"LastName" => "Bloggs",
"Addresses" => array(
"Address" => array(
"AddressType" => "POSTAL",
"AddressLine1" => "123 Anystreet",
"City" => "Anytown",
"PostalCode" => "1234"
"AddressType" => "STREET",
"AddressLine1" => "123 Anystreet",
"City" => "Anytown",
"PostalCode" => "1234"
$result = $xero->Contacts('POST', $new_invoice);
To create a invoice or credit note see https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/invoices/ for the format and apply as follows:, (*13)
$new_invoice = array(
"Contact" => array(
"ContactID" => "[contact id]"
"Date" => "2016-08-01",
"DueDate" => "2016-08-30",
"Status" => "SUBMITTED",
"LineAmountTypes" => "Exclusive",
"LineItems"=> array(
"LineItem" => array(
"Description" => "Some product description",
"Quantity" => "1.0000",
"UnitAmount" => "123.00",
"AccountCode" => "200"
$result = $xero->Invoices('POST', $new_invoice);
To create a payment see https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/payments/ for the format and apply as follows:, (*14)
$new_payment = array(
"Invoice" => array(
"InvoiceNumber" => "INV-1234"
"Account" => array(
"Code" => "[account code]"
"Date" => "2016-08-30",
$result = $xero->Payments('POST', $new_payment);
To get details of an account with the name "Joe Bloggs", (*15)
$result = $xero->Accounts('GET', false, false, array("Name"=>"Joe Bloggs") );
See https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/accounts/ for a list of all parameters., (*16)
To get details of all contacts, (*17)
$result = $xero->Contacts;
To get details of all contacts modified in the last 24 hours, (*18)
$result = $xero->Contacts('GET', false, gmdate("M d Y H:i:s", (time() - (1 * 24 * 60 * 60))), false);
To get details of a contact by ID, (*19)
$result = $xero->Contacts('GET', 'contact id here', false, false);
To get details of all contacts whos name contains "Bloggs" and order the results by Name, (*20)
$result = $xero->Contacts('GET', false, false, ['where' => 'Name.Contains("Bloggs")', 'order' => 'Name DESC']);