Generates migrations from Annotations of Model or ActiveRecords classes (not only). You simple write classes as usual and then asking generator to create migration file from code., (*1)
NOTE! Works only with yii2 console. This is NOT Gii extension, (*2)
php composer.phar require --dev skobka/yii2-migration-generator "*"
Or add it manualy to composer.json, (*3)
"require-dev": {
"skobka/yii2-migration-generator": "*"
Next step is to enable generation from Yii2 console. Add following code in console/config/main.php, (*4)
use skobka\yii2\migrationGenerator\Controllers\MigrationGeneratorController;
return [
'controllerMap' => [
'migration' => [
'class' => MigrationGeneratorController::class,
This package provide following annotations:
- @Superclass(active=true)
- @Table(name="")
- @Column(name="", type="", typeArgs={}, extra=""), (*5)
Indicate that annotation from current class must be included in child class. When parser goes throught classes it will skip class without @Superclass or @Table annotation. Parser will not finds parents of such class.
If you want to skip current @Superclass from parsing, simple set option active to false, (*6)
This annotations tells that current class define a table. Table name takes from property name:, (*7)
// You can use @Table() without parameters, then MyModel::tableName() will be used
This annotation defined a table column. You must specify the name and type of column., (*8)
NOTE! Column types must be a method names of yii\db\SchemaBuilderTrait
Available properties:
- name - name of column
- type - column type
- typeArgs - an array of type arguments, for example: @Column(type="decimal", typeArgs={10,2})
- extra - string wich will be append to then end of column definition, (*9)
After all run, (*10)
php yii migration/generate common/models/mymodel
* @Superclass()
* @Column(name="id", type="primaryKey")
* @Column(name="uid", type="integer", notNull=false)
* @property int id
* @property int uid
class BaseModel
use skobka\yii2\migrationGenerator\annotation\Column;
use skobka\yii2\migrationGenerator\annotation\Superclass;
use skobka\yii2\migrationGenerator\annotation\Table;
* @Table(name="{{%simple_class}}")
* @Column(name="some", type="string", typeArgs={255}, extra=" DEFAULT '0'")
* @Superclass()
* use superclass annotation to allow extending class annotation
* @property string some
class SimpleClass extends BaseModel
use skobka\yii2\migrationGenerator\annotation\Column;
use skobka\yii2\migrationGenerator\annotation\Table;
* @Table(name="sub_simple_class")
* @Column(name="created", type="integer", notNull=true)
* @property int created
class SubSimpleClass extends SimpleClass