9999999-devDictionary for seldom changed items.
The Requires
- php >=5.4.0
- yiisoft/yii2 *
by Sergey Morozov
yii2 dictionary lookup
Dictionary for seldom changed items.
Fields can has enumeration values. For exaple for a post status:, (*1)
'status' => [ 1 => 'Draft', 2 => 'Published', 3 => 'Archived', ]
If the number of enumerable values is limited, it is convenient to store them in one table., (*2)
Values for modules can be added by migrations or by interface., (*3)
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer., (*4)
Either run, (*5)
composer require --prefer-dist sergmoro1/yii2-lookup
, (*6)
or add, (*7)
"sergmoro1/yii2-lookup": "^1.1"
, (*8)
to the require section of your composer.json., (*9)
Run migration
php yii migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/sergmoro1/yii2-lookup/src/migrations
, (*10)
Values for modules can be added by migrations, (*11)
use yii\db\Migration; class m180116_073828_lookup_fill extends Migration { const TABLE_LOOKUP = '{{%lookup}}'; const TABLE_PROPERTY = '{{%property}}'; const USER_ROLE = 1; const USER_STATUS = 2; public function safeUp() { $this->insert(self::TABLE_PROPERTY, ['id' => self::USER_ROLE, 'name' => 'UserRole']); $this->insert(self::TABLE_LOOKUP, ['name' => 'Admin', 'code' => 1, 'property_id' => self::USER_ROLE, 'position' => 1]); $this->insert(self::TABLE_LOOKUP, ['name' => 'Author', 'code' => 2, 'property_id' => self::USER_ROLE, 'position' => 2]); $this->insert(self::TABLE_LOOKUP, ['name' => 'Commentator', 'code' => 3, 'property_id' => self::USER_ROLE, 'position' => 3]); $this->insert(self::TABLE_PROPERTY, ['id' => self::USER_STATUS, 'name' => 'UserStatus']); $this->insert(self::TABLE_LOOKUP, ['name' => 'Active', 'code' => 1, 'property_id' => self::USER_STATUS, 'position' => 1]); $this->insert(self::TABLE_LOOKUP, ['name' => 'Archive', 'code' => 2, 'property_id' => self::USER_STATUS, 'position' => 2]); } public function safeDown() { $this->delete(self::TABLE_LOOKUP, 'property_id=' . self::USER_ROLE); $this->delete(self::TABLE_LOOKUP, 'property_id=' . self::USER_STATUS); $this->delete(self::TABLE_PROPERTY, self::USER_ROLE); $this->delete(self::TABLE_PROPERTY, self::USER_STATUS); } }
or by interface and then place the links in a menu or sidebar., (*12)
<?= Html::a('Properties', ['lookup/property/index']) ?> <?= Html::a('Property\'s values', ['lookup/lookup/index']) ?>
To get all items by property., (*13)
<?= GridView::widget([ 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider, 'filterModel' => $searchModel, 'layout' => "{items}\n{summary}\n{pager}", 'columns' => [ 'username', 'email', [ 'attribute' => 'status', 'filter' => Lookup::items('UserStatus'), 'value' => function($data) { return Lookup::item('UserStatus', $data->status); } ],
To get the name of concrete item., (*14)
Lookup::item('PostStatus', $data->status);
Dictionary for seldom changed items.
yii2 dictionary lookup