9999999-devAccess to Google SpreadSheet from Yii2 by Google REST API.
The Requires
- php >=5.4.0
- yiisoft/yii2 *
by Sergey Morozov
rest api yii2 google spreadsheet
Access to Google SpreadSheet from Yii2 by Google REST API.
Simple extension for getting list of user's spreadsheets and open selected spreadsheet in IFRAME., (*1)
Example of using Google REST API and OAuth2 authorization., (*2)
Follow the instructions - Setting up OAuth 2.0 ., (*3)
$ composer require sergmoro1/yii2-google-spreadsheet "dev-master"
1.Copy model, controller and views from ./example to corresponding directories of your app. Change methords and actions or leave them as is., (*4)
2.Define constants in params file (for ex. in frontend/config/params.php)., (*5)
<?php return [ 'clientId' => '***', 'clientSecret' => '***', // dev (for ex.) 'redirectUri' => 'http://localhost/yoursite/frontend/web/google/oauth', // production //'redirectUri' => 'http://yoursite/google/oauth', ];
3.Declare Redirect Uri in your Google Project. For ex., (*6)
// dev
http://localhost/yousite/frontend/web/google/oauth2, (*7)
// production
http://yoursiteDOTcom/google/oauth2, (*8)
Now you can view list of your spreadsheets, if you have them, by active Uri at the moment:, (*9)
http://yoursite_or_localhost_path/google, (*10)
Access to Google SpreadSheet from Yii2 by Google REST API.
rest api yii2 google spreadsheet