9999999-devWidget to create custom polls for Yii 2.0 framework
The Requires
by Sergey Dzhus
yii2 widget poll poll-widget yii2-poll-widget
Widget to create custom polls for Yii 2.0 framework
Poll widget for yii2, (*1)
The Poll widget for the Yii2 framework allows you to create custom polls for authenticated users to vote on., (*2)
Installing, (*3)
Put the widget directory in apps\basic\vendor\yiisoft, (*4)
To autoloading classes of widget you need add alias in extensions.php which is located in apps\basic\vendor\yiisoft, (*5)
array ( 'name' => 'yiisoft/yii2-poll', 'alias' => array ( '@pollext/poll' => $vendorDir . '/yiisoft/yii2-poll', ) ), (*6)
That's all. The widget uses mysql database. But you do not need to create tables. Widget itself will create all the necessary tables in your database., (*7)
Usage, (*8)
At first, import widget classes in view file where you want create poll, (*9)
use pollext\poll\Poll; Then invoke the widget and specify the name of the poll and the response options, (*10)
echo Poll::widget([ 'pollName'=>'Do you like PHP?', 'answerOptions'=> [ 'Yes', 'No', ], ]);
That's all. You will see poll with standard parameters. But you can set your parameters. You can change max width of lines, color, height and background color for lines., (*11)
echo Poll::widget([ 'pollName'=>'Do you like PHP?', 'answerOptions'=> [ 'Yes', 'No', ], 'params'=> [ 'maxLineWidth'=> 200, // in pixels 'backgroundLinesColor'=>'#DCDCDC', //html hex 'linesHeight'=>20, // in pixels 'linesColor'=>'#DC0079' // html hex ] ]);
So, now you can fast and easy create the polls, (*12)
If you want to change the styles for the poll form, you can do it directly in the view file of poll widget in apps\basic\vendor\yiisoft\yii2-poll\views\index.php, (*13)
Widget to create custom polls for Yii 2.0 framework
yii2 widget poll poll-widget yii2-poll-widget