9999999-dev DHTMLX Widgets
The Requires
framework yii dhtmlx
Yii2 DHTMLX Widgets
yiidhtmlx components and extensions, (*1)
1) First widget will be the dhtmlx chart 2) Second widget will be the dhtmlx grid, (*2)
Add the sources to your composer.json > repositories file:, (*3)
{ "type": "package", "package": { "name": "philippfrenzel/yiidhtmlx", "version": "0.1.10", "authors": [ { "name": "Philipp Frenzel", "homepage": "" } ], "source": { "url": "", "type": "git", "reference": "master" }, "autoload": { "psr-0": { "yiidhtmlx\\": "/" } } } }
Package is although registered at - so you can just add one line of code, to let it run!, (*4)
"require": { "philippfrenzel/yiidhtmlx":"*" },
MetroUI already loaded? - As I use assetparser extension to parse the less files into my distribution, i commented the assets.php to avoid static css loading. If you need the css-files to be loaded statically, pls. uncomment the entries!, (*5)
For a full list of possibilities, pls although check out the website, (*6)
Chart renders an DHTMLX chart component., (*7)
For example,, (*8)
use yiidhtmlx\Chart; Chart::widget(array( 'options'=>array( 'id' => 'myTestChart', 'style' => 'width:280px;height:250px;', ), 'clientOptions' => array( 'value' => '#sales#', 'label' => '#year#' ), 'clientDataOptions'=>array( 'type'=>'json', 'url'=>'data/data.json')) ), 'clientEvents'=>array( 'click'=>'alert("clicked"'), ) ));
For a full list of possibilities, pls although check out the website, (*9)
Chart renders an DHTMLX chart component., (*10)
For example,, (*11)
use yiidhtmlx\Grid; //needs to be registered manualy as the base url is only available later $this->registerAssetBundle('yiidhtmlx/WidgetAsset'); $imgPath = Yii::$app->assetManager->getBundle('yiidhtmlx/WidgetAsset')->baseUrl . "/dhtmlxGrid/imgs/"; echo Grid::widget( array( 'clientOptions'=>array( 'parent' => 'myTestGrid', 'auto_height' => true, 'auto_width' => true, 'skin' => "dhx_terrace", 'columns' => array( array('label'=>'id','width'=>'40','type'=>'ro'), array('label'=>array(Yii::t('app','Address'),'#text_filter'),'type'=>'ed'), array('label'=>array(Yii::t('app','Name'),'#text_filter'),'type'=>'ed'), array('label'=>array(Yii::t('app','N/O'),'#select_filter'),'width'=>'50','type'=>'ch'), array('label'=>Yii::t('app','Cap.'),'width'=>'100','type'=>'ed'), ), 'image_path' => $imgPath ), 'enableSmartRendering' => false, 'options'=>array( 'id' => 'myTestGrid', ), 'clientDataOptions'=>array( 'type'=>'json', 'url'=>Html::url(array('/location/jsongridlocationdata')) ), 'clientEvents'=>array( 'onRowSelect'=>'doOnRowSelect', ) ) );
As we are using smart rendering, the full functionality in the controller referenced by url should look as followed:, (*12)
/** * returns the json for the dhtmlx grid * @param date $un YYYYMMDD * @param integer $posStart current position in grid scroll * @param integer $count last record handed over * @return JSON json object, see dhtmlx for more information */ public function actionDhtmlxgrid($un=NULL, $posStart=0, $count=0){ $currentPage = 0; $pageSize = 50; if($posStart>0){ $currentPage = round(($posStart / $pageSize),0); } $query = new Query; $provider = new ArrayDataProvider([ 'allModels' => $query->select('id,organisationName,taxNumber,registrationCountryCode')->from('tbl_party')->all(), 'sort' => [ 'attributes' => ['id', 'organisationName', 'taxNumber'], ], 'pagination' => [ 'pageSize' => $pageSize, 'page' => $currentPage ], ]); //the grid header to pass over total count $clean = ['total_count'=>Party::find()->count(),'pos'=>$posStart]; foreach($provider->getModels() AS $record){ if(!is_null($record)) { $clean['rows'][]=['id'=>$record['id'],'data'=>array_values($record)]; } } header('Content-type: application/json'); echo Json::encode($clean); exit(); }
If you wanna script using the id of the object, the name will be "dhtmlxID" -> dhtmlxmyTestGrid., (*13)
The following sample let's you attach an right mouse menu to the tree, (*14)
$imgPath = Yii::$app->assetManager->getBundle('yiidhtmlx/WidgetAsset')->baseUrl . "/dhtmlxTree/imgs/csh_dhx_terrace/"; $imgMenuPath = Yii::$app->assetManager->getBundle('yiidhtmlx/WidgetAsset')->baseUrl . "/dhtmlxMenu/imgs/dhxmenu_dhx_terrace/"; echo Menu::widget( array( 'clientOptions'=>array( 'parent' => 'myCMSTreeMenu', 'skin' => "dhx_terrace", 'context' => true, 'image_path' => $imgMenuPath, 'items' => array( array('id'=>'createchild','text'=>'Create new Child','img'=>'img/dhtmlx/s4.gif'), array('id'=>'gotoparent','text'=>'Go to Parent','img'=>'img/dhtmlx/s3.gif') ) ), 'options'=>array( 'id' => 'myCMSTreeMenu', ), 'clientEvents'=>array( 'onClick' => 'doOnMenuSelect', ) ) ); echo Tree::widget( array( 'enableContextMenu'=>'dhtmlxmyCMSTreeMenu', 'clientOptions'=>array( 'parent' => 'myCMSTree', 'skin' => "terrace", 'image_path' => $imgPath, 'width' => '100%', 'height' => '200px', 'checkbox' => false, 'smart_parsing' => true, ), 'options'=>array( 'id' => 'myCMSTree', ), 'clientDataOptions'=>array( 'type'=>'json', 'url'=>Html::url(array('/pages/jsontreeview','rootId'=>$rootId)) ), 'clientEvents'=>array( 'onClick' => 'doOnRowSelect', ) ) ); $jumpTarget = Html::url(array('/pages/view','id'=>'')); $jumpJS = <<<DEL function doOnRowSelect(id,ind) { window.location = "$jumpTarget"+id; }; function doOnMenuSelect(id,type) { var Nodeid = dhtmlxmyCMSTree.contextID; alert(id); alert(Nodeid); }; DEL; $this->registerJs($jumpJS); //where $this is the current view!
use yiidhtmlx\Tabbar; echo Tabbar::widget( [ 'clientOptions'=>[ 'parent' => 'PurchaseOrderTabbar', 'image_path' => Yii::$app->AssetManager->getBundle('yiidhtmlx\TabbarObjectAsset')->baseUrl."/dhtmlxTabbar/imgs/dhx_terrace/", 'skin' => "dhx_terrace", 'tabs' => [ ['id'=> 'tab_one','label'=>'id','width'=>'100%'] ], ], 'tabs'=>[ ['tab_one'=>'tabrequested'] ] ] );
Yii2 DHTMLX Widgets
framework yii dhtmlx