Yii2 Adjacency List Behavior
Implementation of adjacency list algorithm for storing the trees in DB tables., (*1)
, (*2)
Install via Composer:, (*3)
composer require paulzi/yii2-adjacency-list
or add, (*4)
"paulzi/yii2-adjacency-list" : "^2.2"
to the require
section of your composer.json
file., (*5)
Migrations example
class m150722_150000_adjacency_list extends Migration
public function up()
$tableOptions = null;
if ($this->db->driverName === 'mysql') {
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/766809/whats-the-difference-between-utf8-general-ci-and-utf8-unicode-ci
$tableOptions = 'CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ENGINE=InnoDB';
$this->createTable('{{%adjacency_list}}', [
'id' => Schema::TYPE_PK,
'parent_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NULL',
'sort' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL',
'name' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL', // example field
], $tableOptions);
$this->createIndex('parent_sort', '{{%adjacency_list}}', ['parent_id', 'sort']);
use paulzi\adjacencyList\AdjacencyListBehavior;
class Sample extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
public function behaviors() {
return [
'class' => AdjacencyListBehavior::className(),
Optional you can setup Query for finding roots:, (*6)
class Sample extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
public static function find()
return new SampleQuery(get_called_class());
Query class:, (*7)
use paulzi\adjacencyList\AdjacencyListQueryTrait;
class SampleQuery extends \yii\db\ActiveQuery
use AdjacencyListQueryTrait;
Sortable Behavior
This behavior attach SortableBehavior. You can use its methods (for example, reorder())., (*8)
$parentAttribute = 'parent_id'
- parent attribute in table schema.
$sortable = []
- SortableBehavior settings - see paulzi/yii2-sortable.
$checkLoop = false
- check loop when moving nodes (slower).
$parentsJoinLevels = 3
- amount of join levels, when finding ancestors.
$childrenJoinLevels = 3
- amount of join levels, when finding descendants.
Getting the root nodes, (*9)
If you connect AdjacencyListQueryTrait
, you can get all the root nodes:, (*10)
$roots = Sample::find()->roots()->all();
Getting ancestors of a node, (*11)
To get ancestors of a node:, (*12)
$node11 = Sample::findOne(['name' => 'node 1.1']);
$parents = $node11->parents; // via relation unsorted
$parents = $node11->parentsOrdered; // via relation sorted
$parents = $node11->getParents()->all(); // via query
$parents = $node11->getParents(2)->all(); // get 2 levels of ancestors
To get parent of a node:, (*13)
$node11 = Sample::findOne(['name' => 'node 1.1']);
$parent = $node11->parent; // via relation
$parent = $node11->getParent()->one(); // via query
To get root of a node:, (*14)
$node11 = Sample::findOne(['name' => 'node 1.1']);
$root = $node11->root; // via relation
$root = $node11->getRoot()->one(); // via query
For get ordered list of primary keys ancestors:, (*15)
$node11 = Sample::findOne(['name' => 'node 1.1']);
$ids = $node11->getParentsIds();
$ids = $node11->getParentsIds(3, false); // get 3 levels of ancestors primary keys with force updating from DB
Getting descendants of a node, (*16)
To get all the descendants of a node:, (*17)
$node11 = Sample::findOne(['name' => 'node 1.1']);
$descendants = $node11->descendants; // via relation unsorted
$descendants = $node11->descendantsOrdered; // via relation sorted
$descendants = $node11->getDescendants()->all(); // via query
$descendants = $node11->getDescendants(2, true)->all(); // get 2 levels of descendants and self node
*Note: guaranteed order on each parent nodes, nodes of different parents can be mixed with each other and option childrenJoinLevels can change this order., (*18)
To populate children
relations for self and descendants of a node:, (*19)
$node11 = Sample::findOne(['name' => 'node 1.1']);
$tree = $node11->populateTree(); // populate all levels
$tree = $node11->populateTree(2); // populate 2 levels of descendants
To get the children of a node:, (*20)
$node11 = Sample::findOne(['name' => 'node 1.1']);
$children = $node11->children; // via relation
$children = $node11->getChildren()->all(); // via query
For get ordered array of primary keys descendants per level:, (*21)
$node11 = Sample::findOne(['name' => 'node 1.1']);
$ids = $node11->getDescendantsIds(); // get array of per-level descendants primary keys
$ids = $node11->getDescendantsIds(null, true); // get flat array of descendants primary keys
$ids = $node11->getDescendantsIds(3, false, false); // get 3 levels array of per-level descendants primary keys with force updating from DB
*Note: guaranteed order on each parent nodes, nodes of different parents can be mixed with each other and option childrenJoinLevels can change this order., (*22)
Getting the leaves nodes, (*23)
To get all the leaves of a node:, (*24)
$node11 = Sample::findOne(['name' => 'node 1.1']);
$leaves = $node11->leaves; // via relation
$leaves = $node11->getLeaves(2)->all(); // get 2 levels of leaves via query
Getting the neighbors nodes, (*25)
To get the next node:, (*26)
$node11 = Sample::findOne(['name' => 'node 1.1']);
$next = $node11->next; // via relation
$next = $node11->getNext()->one(); // via query
To get the previous node:, (*27)
$node11 = Sample::findOne(['name' => 'node 1.1']);
$prev = $node11->prev; // via relation
$prev = $node11->getPrev()->one(); // via query
Some checks
$node1 = Sample::findOne(['name' => 'node 1']);
$node11 = Sample::findOne(['name' => 'node 1.1']);
$node11->isRoot() - return true, if node is root
$node11->isLeaf() - return true, if node is leaf
$node11->isChildOf($node1) - return true, if node11 is child of $node1
To make a root node:, (*28)
$node11 = new Sample();
$node11->name = 'node 1.1';
Note: if you allow multiple trees and attribute tree
is not set, it automatically takes the primary key value., (*29)
To prepend a node as the first child of another node:, (*30)
$node1 = Sample::findOne(['name' => 'node 1']);
$node11 = new Sample();
$node11->name = 'node 1.1';
$node11->prependTo($node1)->save(); // inserting new node
To append a node as the last child of another node:, (*31)
$node11 = Sample::findOne(['name' => 'node 1.1']);
$node12 = Sample::findOne(['name' => 'node 1.2']);
$node12->appendTo($node11)->save(); // move existing node
To insert a node before another node:, (*32)
$node13 = Sample::findOne(['name' => 'node 1.3']);
$node12 = new Sample();
$node12->name = 'node 1.2';
$node12->insertBefore($node13)->save(); // inserting new node
To insert a node after another node:, (*33)
$node13 = Sample::findOne(['name' => 'node 1.3']);
$node14 = Sample::findOne(['name' => 'node 1.4']);
$node14->insertAfter($node13)->save(); // move existing node
To delete a node with descendants:, (*34)
$node11 = Sample::findOne(['name' => 'node 1.1']);
$node11->delete(); // delete node, children come up to the parent
$node11->deleteWithChildren(); // delete node and all descendants
Note: when deleting with delete() child nodes mixed with parent, (*35)
Reorder children:, (*36)
$model = Sample::findOne(1);
$model->reorderChildren(true); // reorder with center zero
$model = Sample::findOne(2);
$model->reorderChildren(false); // reorder from zero
Updating from 1.x to 2.x
1) Move attributes sortAttribute
, step
into sortable
2) Change namespace from paulzi\adjacencylist
to paulzi\adjacencyList
3) Include paulzi\yii2-sortable
(composer update
)., (*37)