MongoRevision behavior for Yii 2
This behavior provides automatic revision creation of any ActiveRecord object(s) into MongoDB collection., (*1)
It means, that the extension will automatically save "previous version" of your ActiveRecord object
after it's been updated., (*2)
So you can store and track the history of all your data changes., (*3)
To describe in detail, MongoRevision behavior will collect "old" AR object attributes, fill the revisionOwnerId
, revisionDate
and revisionUser
attributes with the corresponding values;
and then store the resulting AR object revision in particular MongoDB revision
collection., (*4)
Behavior is called after the associated AR object is being updated (EVENT_AFTER_UPDATE)., (*5)
This extension requires MongoDb Extension for Yii 2., (*6)
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer., (*7)
Either run, (*8)
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist olegf13/yii2-mongorevision-behavior "*"
or add, (*9)
"olegf13/yii2-mongorevision-behavior": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
file., (*10)
To use MongoRevisionBehavior, insert the following code to your ActiveRecord class:, (*11)
use olegf13\mongorevision\MongoRevisionBehavior;
// ...
public function behaviors()
return [
If your MongoDB connection name is different or you want to use a different collection or attribute names,
you may configure behavior properties like the following:, (*12)
use olegf13\mongorevision\MongoRevisionBehavior;
// ...
public function behaviors()
return [
'class' => MongoRevisionBehavior::className(),
'mongoConnectionName' => 'mongodb',
'mongoCollection' => 'revision',
'revisionOwnerIdAttribute' => 'ownerId',
'revisionOwnerModelAttribute' => 'ownerModel',
'revisionDateAttribute' => 'revisionDate',
'revisionUserAttribute' => 'revisionUser',