nikitakls/yii2-editor-md for Yii2, (*1)
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer., (*2)
Either run, (*3)
composer require nikitakls/yii2-editor-md
or add, (*4)
"nikitakls/yii2-editor-md": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
file., (*5)
Once the extension is installed, simply use it in your code by:, (*6)
field($model, 'info_md')->widget(EditorMdWidget::className(), [
'options' => [// html attributes
'id' => 'editor-markdown',
'language' => 'ru',
'clientOptions' => [
'height' => '300',
// 'previewTheme' => 'dark',
// 'editorTheme' => 'pastel-on-dark',
'markdown' => '',
//'codeFold' => true,
'syncScrolling' => true,
'saveHTMLToTextarea' => true,
'searchReplace' => true,
'watch' => true,
'htmlDecode' => 'style,script,iframe|on*',
//'toolbar' => false,
'placeholder' => 'MarkDown',
'previewCodeHighlight' => false,
'emoji' => true,
'taskList' => true,
'tocm' => true,
'tex' => true,
'flowChart' => true,
'sequenceDiagram' => true,
'imageUpload' => true,
'imageFormats' => ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp', 'webp'],
'imageUploadURL' => Url::to(['file-upload', 'type' => 'md']),
'toolbarIcons' => [
"undo", "redo", "|",
"bold", "del", "italic", "list-ul", "list-ol", "hr", "|",
"code", "code-block", "|",
"image", "table", "link", "|",
"html-entities", "|",
"preview", "watch","|",
) ?>
See more options [], (*7)
Markdown behavior
This behavior save html render markdown in active record model attribute.
You can use markdown behavior for ActiveRecord Model next:, (*8)
use nikitakls\markdown\behaviors\MarkdownModelBehavior
class Content extents ActiveRecord{
* @inheritdoc
public function behaviors()
return [
'class' => MarkdownModelBehavior::className(),
'sourceAttribute' => 'content',
'destinationAttribute' => 'clean_content',
Markdown action for upload files
Configure you controller if you want to have upload image functionality:, (*9)
use nikitakls\markdown\actions\UploadFileAction;
class ContentController extends Controller
* @inheritdoc
public function actions()
return [
'upload-image' => [
'class' => UploadFileAction::class,
'url' => '@fileUrl/origin/puzzle/',
'path' => '@filePath/origin/puzzle/',
'thumbPath' => '@filePath/thumb/puzzle/',
'thumbUrl' => '@fileUrl/thumb/puzzle/',
'thumbs' => [
'puzzle' => [
'width' => 480,
'height' => 320,
'main' => true
'unique' => true,
'validatorOptions' => [
'maxWidth' => 1600,
'maxHeight' => 1200