9999999-devThe uic extension for Yii2 framework
BSD 3-Clause
The Requires
by leegoway
extension auth yii2 uic
The uic extension for Yii2 framework
User center extension for Yii2 framework, (*1)
包含功能: * [登录] 接入用户中心的单点登录 * [权限校验] 接入用户中心的权限校验, (*2)
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer. Check the composer.json for this extension's requirements and dependencies., (*3)
To install, either run, (*4)
$ php composer.phar require leegoway/yii2-uic "*"
or add, (*5)
"leegoway/yii2-uic": "*"
to the require
section of your composer.json
file., (*6)
return [ 'components' => [ 'uicAuther' => [ 'class' => 'leegoway\uic\Auther', 'domain' => '',//cookie的domain属性 'path' => '/',//cookie的路径 'expire' => 7200 //超时时间 ] ], ];
then in your controller which need auth, then add the following code:, (*7)
use leegoway\uic\UicAuthFacade; ... use UicAuthFacade;
Secondly, you can check permission like the following code:, (*8)
Yii::$app->uicAuther->checkPermission($permissionId, $organizationId, [$username]); //$username default current login username
The uic extension for Yii2 framework
BSD 3-Clause
extension auth yii2 uic