9999999-dev cacheable widget.
GNU GPL v3.0
cache extension yii2 widget
Yii2 cacheable widget.
A cacheable widget for Yii2 framework. Caches an entire rendered widget as a single cache item. Allows you to configure caching once in a widget class and render it in many views leaving them clean from caching business logic, ensuring DRY and KISS principles., (*1)
The widget is composer-enabled. You can aquire the latest available version from the packagist repository., (*2)
Defining a custom cacheable widget is quite simple. Just extend your widget from Kolyunya\yii2\widgets\CacheableWidget
and you are good to go. You widget will be cached by a default cache (cache
application component) for a default duration (for one minute) without any dependencies and without any cache key variations., (*3)
class MySimpleCacheableWidget extends CacheableWidget { /** * @inheritdoc */ public function run() { // Do some resource-expensive work. $this->doSomeExpensiveWork(); $this->doSomeMoreExpensiveWork(); // Render some heavy templates. return $this->render('my-simple-cacheable-widget', 'foo' => $this->foo, 'bar' => $this->bar, ]); } }
In more complex scenarios you can override some protected methods of the base cacheable widget to configure more complex caching stategies., (*4)
class MyCacheableWidget extends CacheableWidget { /** * * @var Foo */ public $foo; /** * * @var Bar */ public $bar; /** * @inheritdoc */ public function run() { // Do some resource-expensive work. $this->doSomeExpensiveWork(); $this->doSomeMoreExpensiveWork(); // Render some heavy templates. return $this->render('my-cacheable-widget', 'foo' => $this->foo, 'bar' => $this->bar, ]); } /** * @inheritdoc */ protected function getCacheComponent() { return 'myCustomCache'; } /** * @inheritdoc */ protected function getCacheDuration() { return 60 * 60; } /** * @inheritdoc */ protected function getCacheDependency() { return new MyCustomCacheDependency(); } /** * @inheritdoc */ protected function getCacheKeyVariations() { return [ $this->foo, $this->bar, ]; } }
<?= MyCacheableWidget::widget([ 'foo' => $foo, 'bar' => $bar, ]); ?>
Yii2 cacheable widget.
GNU GPL v3.0
cache extension yii2 widget