9999999-devthis is Knet payment type via yii 2.0
The Requires
by hassan ali
extension payment yii2 knet kuwait
this is Knet payment type via yii 2.0
this is Knet payment type via yii 2.0, (*1)
unzip all files and insert int to Path, (*2)
create folder components under folder frontend if is not existe, (*3)
Once the extension is installed, simply use it in your code by :, (*4)
1- add your resource.cgn file in to Path knet\resource
How you can use this class, (*5)
2- in your controller paste this code, (*6)
use frontend\components\KnetPayment; /** * Do knet paymet action . * * @return mixed */ public function actionPayment() { $knet = new KnetPayment(); $knet->response_url = Url::to(['site/knetresponce'],'https'); // back response $knet->error_url = Url::to(['site/kneterror'],'https'); // back error $knet->ammount = 10; // your ammount or cost you can use decimal 10.33 $knet->udf1 = ""; $knet->udf2 = ""; $knet->udf3 = ""; $knet->udf4 = ""; $knet->udf5 = ""; $knet->action = 1;/leav it $knet->currency = 414;//Kw dinar $knet->lang = "ARA"; //default arabic lang $knet->alias = "your knet alias"; $result = $knet->run(); // return json data $result = json_decode($result); if($result->status == 'success'){ // redirect to knet url $result->url; $this->redirect($result->url); }else{ // Display error here } }
in SiteController.php or other controller you choose you must add to actions, (*7)
/** *knet Responce result . * * @return mixed */ public function actionKnetResponce() { // Do your action here $PaymentID = $_POST['PaymentID']; // Reads the value of the Payment ID passed by GET request by the user. $result = $_POST['Result']; // Reads the value of the Result passed by GET request by the user. $postdate = $_POST['PostDate']; // Reads the value of the PostDate passed by GET request by the user. $tranid = $_POST['TranID']; // Reads the value of the TranID passed by GET request by the user. $auth = $_POST['Auth']; // Reads the value of the Auth passed by GET request by the user. $ref = $_POST['Ref']; // Reads the value of the Ref passed by GET request by the user. $trackid = $_POST['TrackID']; // Reads the value of the TrackID passed by GET request by the user. $udf1 = $_POST['UDF1']; // Reads the value of the UDF1 passed by GET request by the user. $udf2 = $_POST['UDF2']; // Reads the value of the UDF1 passed by GET request by the user. $udf3 = $_POST['UDF3']; // Reads the value of the UDF1 passed by GET request by the user. $udf4 = $_POST['UDF4']; // Reads the value of the UDF1 passed by GET request by the user. $udf5 = $_POST['UDF5']; // Reads the value of the UDF1 passed by GET request by the user. echo "REDIRECT= Url::to(['site/knetresult',$_POST],'https'); } /** *knet result Page . * * @return mixed */ public function actionKnetResult() { // display result page } /** *knet Error result . * * @return mixed */ public function actionknetError() { $PaymentID = $_GET['PaymentID']; //Display error page } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function behaviors() { return [ 'access' => [ 'class' => AccessControl::className(), //'only' => ['knetresponce'], 'rules' => [ [ 'actions' => ['knetresponce'], 'allow' => true, 'roles' => ['?'], ], ], ], ]; }
if Payment operation success return json code, (*8)
else if Payment operation fail return json code, (*9)
{"status":"error","payment_id":"","url":"","msg":"RROR - CGW000186-Tran Amount Invalid"} --------------------------- msg is knet responce error
this is Knet payment type via yii 2.0
extension payment yii2 knet kuwait