The Requires
by Jakharbek
user yii2 jakharbek
User Functionality, (*1)
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer., (*2)
Either run, (*3)
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist jakharbek/jakharbek-user "*"
or add, (*4)
"jakharbek/jakharbek-user": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
file., (*5)
Once the extension is installed, you mast configurate extension; To do this, you need to open the src/bootstrap.php And specify the mail component and your email, (*6)
public static $mailer_component = "mailer"; public static $email_from = "";
You can specify where to register the controller in which routes, (*7)
public static $controllers = [ 'registration_page' => ['test/reg','reg'], 'login_page' => ['test/login','login'] ];
You must specify where the user and administrator modules will be registered:, (*8)
public static $modules = [ 'test/admin' => 'jakharbek\user\modules\admin\Module', 'test/user' => 'jakharbek\user\modules\user\Module' ];
You must specify where to enter the redirect when you log in., (*9)
public static $redirect_after_login_admin = ['/test/admin']; public static $redirect_after_login = ['/test/user'];
You must specify the permission to log in, (*10)
public static $premission_admin_panel = "controlPanel";
You must provide a link to the user and administrator profile, (*11)
public static $profile_link = '/test/user/profile/'; public static $profile_link_admin = '/test/admin/profile/';
user yii2 jakharbek