Yii2-User - README
, (*1)
Provides various interfaces to deal with routine user management tasks., (*2)
This extension is under heavy development and requires the use of Yii framework version 2.0.7
This version of the framework is currently in active development, (*3)
This module should be considered highly unstable and it's use is discouraged until further notice (really), (*4)
Version 0.1 Release notes:, (*5)
This module aims to be a clean, modular and simple user-administration module which can be used for Yii 2 projects version 2.0.7 and up., (*6)
A first goal is to wrap the user management functionalities provided by the yii2-advanced template to allow easy porting to other templates, such as the yii2-basic-template.
Essentially, this module can functionally achieve the same as provided by the advanced template, with little to no changes made to the interface provided and minor changes to made layout., (*7)
Other than providing the stock functionality, a lot has been made configurable:
- Email-based login by default, over storage of a username/email combination;
- Enable/Disable guest signup;
- Graceful handling of (optional) account status codes;, (*8)
A next goal deals with the implementation of some missing core user account functionality:, (*9)
- Account Confirmation
- Token Based Authentication
- RBAC Integration
Functionality will be added to this module, as it becomes required for incorporation in further projects. We accept pull-requests!, (*10)
The following functionality is due expected due in further versions:, (*11)
- PhpCAS Integration (due version 0.2)
- OAuth Integration (due version 0.3)
- REST API (due version 0.4)
Install Using Composer
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer., (*12)
Either run, (*13)
$ php composer.phar require humanized/yii2-user "dev-master"
or add, (*14)
"humanized/yii2-user": "dev-master"
to the require
section of your composer.json
file., (*15)
Add Module to Configuration
Add following lines to the configuration file:, (*16)
'modules' => [
'user' => [
'class' => 'humanized\user\Module',
For full instructions how to configure this module, check the CONFIG-file., (*17)
Run Migrations
$ php yii migrate/up --migrationPath=@vendor/humanized/yii2-user/migrations
For full instructions on how to use this module, once configured, check the USAGE-file., (*18)