9999999-devDepends for Yii2
The Requires
- php >=5.6.0
- bower-asset/fancybox *
- components/font-awesome 5.0.6
- twbs/bootstrap 4.1.1
yii depends
Depends for Yii2
$ php composer.phar require grozzzny/depends "dev-master"
or, (*1)
$ composer require grozzzny/depends "dev-master"
or composer.json:, (*2)
"require": { "grozzzny/depends": "dev-master" }
class AppAsset extends \yii\web\AssetBundle { .. public $depends = [ 'grozzzny\depends\glyphicon\GlyphiconAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\bootstrap4\Bootstrap4Asset', 'grozzzny\depends\bootstrap4\Bootstrap4PluginAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\mdbootstrap\MDBootstrapAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\mdbootstrap\MDBootstrapPluginAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\checkbox_theme\CheckboxThemeAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\responsive_tables\ResponsiveTablesAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\froala\FroalaAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\jssocials\JssocialsAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\morris\MorrisAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\highlight\HighlightAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\waves\WavesAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\cropper\CropperAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\jarallax\JarallaxAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\fontawesome5\FontAwesome5Asset', 'grozzzny\depends\popper\PopperAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\tether\TetherAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\bxslider\BxsliderAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\flexslider\FlexsliderAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\font_awesome\FontAwesomeAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\jquery_migrate\JqueryMigrateAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\jquery_ui\JqueryUiAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\masonry\MasonryAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\modernizr\ModernizrAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\nested\NestedAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\notify\NotifyAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\stellar\StellarAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\owl_carousel\OwlAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\parallax\ParallaxAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\scrollreveal\ScrollRevalAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\smoothscroll\SmoothscrollAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\waypoints\WaypointsAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\wow_animations\WowAnimationsAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\gmap\GmapAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\swiper\SwiperAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\fancybox\FancyboxAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\sticky\StickyAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\cookie\CookieAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\toastr\ToastrAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\sweetalert\SweetalertAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\eonasdan\EonasdanBootstrapDatetimepickerAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\threejs\ThreejsAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\wagerfield_parallax\WagerfieldParallaxAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\countdown\CountdownAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\bootstrap_datepicker\BootstrapDatepickerAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\easing\EasingAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\aos\AosAsset', 'grozzzny\depends\icomoon\IcomoonAsset', ]; ... }
Checkbox with one tag without js. Checkbox theme, (*3)
Animate On Scroll Library aos, (*4)
Icons Icomoon, (*5)
Icons Glyphicon icons, (*6)
jQuery Easing v1.3, (*7)
Countdown. jQuery.countdown, (*8)
Datepicker. bootstrap-datepicker, (*9)
Beautiful Javascript web editor that's easy to integrate for developers and your users will simply fall in love with its clean design. HTML Editor, (*10)
good-looking charts shouldn't be difficult. morris.js, (*11)
jsSocials is a simple social network sharing jQuery plugin. It's flexible and easily extensible. Configure visual appearance. Choose one of several themes provided. Add any yet unsupported social network if needed. jsSocials, (*12)
$("#share").jsSocials({ shares: ["email", "twitter", "facebook", "googleplus", "linkedin", "pinterest", "stumbleupon", "whatsapp"] });
Syntax highlighting for the Web highlight.js, (*13)
<script> hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad(); </script>
Click effect inspired by Google's Material Design., (*14)
This is an experimental awesome solution for responsive tables with complex data. Responsive Tables, (*15)
JavaScript image cropper. Cropper.js, (*16)
Smooth parallax scrolling effect for background images using CSS transforms with graceful degradation for old browsers. Jarallax, (*17)
The goal of this section is to give a brief introduction to three.js. three.js, (*18)
World's most popular framework for building responsive, mobile-first websites and apps., (*19)
grozzzny\depends\mdbootstrap\MDBootstrapAsset grozzzny\depends\mdbootstrap\MDBootstrapPluginAsset
Bootstrap 3 Datepicker v4 Docs Datepicker, (*20)
<div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class='col-sm-6'> <div class="form-group"> <div class='input-group date' id='datetimepicker1'> <input type='text' class="form-control" /> <span class="input-group-addon"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $('#datetimepicker1').datetimepicker(); }); </script> </div> </div>
A beautiful replacement for success messages, error messages Sweetalert, (*21)
swal({ title: "Удалить данный блок?", text: "You will not be able to recover this imaginary file!", type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: "Да, удалить!", closeOnConfirm: false }, function () { swal("Deleted!", "Your imaginary file has been deleted.", "success"); });
toastr is a Javascript library for non-blocking notifications. jQuery is required. The goal is to create a simple core library that can be customized and extended. Toastr, (*22)
// Display a warning toast, with no title toastr.warning('My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die!') // Display a success toast, with a title toastr.success('Have fun storming the castle!', 'Miracle Max Says') // Display an error toast, with a title toastr.error('I do not think that word means what you think it means.', 'Inconceivable!') // Immediately remove current toasts without using animation toastr.remove() // Remove current toasts using animation toastr.clear() // Override global options toastr.success('We do have the Kapua suite available.', 'Turtle Bay Resort', {timeOut: 5000})
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework in the world for building responsive, mobile-first projects on the web. bootstrap v4, (*23)
grozzzny\depends\bootstrap4\Bootstrap4Asset grozzzny\depends\bootstrap4\Bootstrap4PluginAsset
A kickass library used to manage poppers in web applications POPPER.JS, (*24)
Get vector icons and social logos on your website with Font Awesome, the web’s most popular icon set and toolkit. Font Awesome 5, (*25)
A positioning engine to make overlays, tooltips and dropdowns better #hubspot-open-source tether, (*26)
The Responsive jQuery Content Slider bxSlider, (*27)
An awesome, fully responsive jQuery slider toolkit FlexSlider, (*28)
Font Awesome gives you scalable vector icons that can instantly be customized — size, color, drop shadow, and anything that can be done with the power of CSS Font Awesome, (*29)
Upgrade the version of jQuery on the page to the latest 3.0 version (currently 3.0.0) and add the uncompressed Jquery migrate 3.x, (*30)
Cascading grid layout library Masonry, (*31)
Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user’s browser. Modernizr, (*32)
For a complete gap free, multi column grid layout experience. jQuery Nested, (*33)
Message on the screen, (*34)
```js notify.success('message');, (*35)
or ```js notify.error('message');
Parallax has never been easier. Stellar, (*36)
Parallax Engine that reacts to the orientation of a smart device. Parallax, (*37)
Touch enabled jQuery plugin that lets you create a beautiful responsive carousel slider. Owl Carousel 2, (*38)
Parallax.js is a dirt simple parallax scrolling effect inspired by and implemented as a jQuery plugin. Parallax, (*39)
Easy scroll animations for web and mobile browsers. ScrollReveal, (*40)
```js $(document).ready(function(){ /************************ - Scroll reveal - ************************/ = new scrollReveal({ reset:true, move:"10px", mobile:false }); });, (*41)
A teeny tiny, standard compliant, smooth scroll script with ease-in-out effect and no dependancy. Smoothscroll, (*42)
Waypoints is a library that makes it easy to execute a function whenever you scroll to an element. Waypoints, (*43)
```css .stuck { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; }, (*44)
```js // Fixed header //----------------------------------------------- if ($('.js-sticky').length) { var sticky = new Waypoint.Sticky({ element: $('.js-sticky'), //wrapper: ', (*45)
', //stuckClass: 'object-visible', //handler: function(direction) { // $('body').toggleClass('fixed-header-on'); //}, //offset: -1 }); }, (*46)
--- ### Wow animations and animate.css Reveal CSS animation as you scroll down a page. By default, you can use it to trigger animate.css animations. But you can easily change the settings to your favorite animation library. [Wow animations]( Library animations. [animate.css](
grozzzny\depends\wow_animations\WowAnimationsAsset, (*47)
```js $(document).on('ready', function(){ /************************ - WOW animation - ************************/ jQuery(document).ready(function() { new WOW().init(); }); });
```html, (*48)
--- ### Gmap Lightweight jQuery plugin that helps you embed Google Maps, using the API V3, into your website. Original at [Gmap](
grozzzny\depends\gmap\GmapAsset, (*49)
```php $config = [ 'components' => [ ... 'assetManager' => [ ... 'bundles' => [ 'grozzzny\depends\gmap\GmapAsset' => [ 'key' => 'AIzaSyCtX2Fg1fOnnX1Pu1n1lXvmb303Q_1234', ], ] ] ] ];
Most Modern Mobile Touch Slider Swiper, (*50)
```html , (*51)
```js var swiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', { pagination: '.swiper-pagination', nextButton: '.swiper-button-next', prevButton: '.swiper-button-prev', paginationClickable: true, spaceBetween: 30, centeredSlides: true, autoplay: 4000, autoplayDisableOnInteraction: false });
FancyBox is a tool for displaying images, html content and multi-media in a Mac-style "lightbox" that floats overtop of web page. Fancybox, (*53)
```js $('.fancybox').fancybox(); //OR $("a[href$='.jpg'],a[href$='.png'],a[href$='.gif']").attr('rel', 'gallery').fancybox({ loop : true, closeClick : false, nextEffect : 'none', prevEffect : 'none', openEffect : 'elastic', closeEffect : 'elastic', openEasing : 'swing', closeEasing : 'swing' });
jQuery UI is a curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library. jqueryui, (*55)
Dragula provides the easiest possible API to make drag and drop a breeze in your applications. dragula, (*56)
dragula(containers, {
isContainer: function (el) {
return false; // only elements in drake.containers will be taken into account
moves: function (el, source, handle, sibling) {
return true; // elements are always draggable by default
accepts: function (el, target, source, sibling) {
return true; // elements can be dropped in any of the containers
by default
invalid: function (el, handle) {
return false; // don't prevent any drags from initiating by default
direction: 'vertical', // Y axis is considered when determining where an element would be dropped
copy: false, // elements are moved by default, not copied
copySortSource: false, // elements in copy-source containers can be reordered
revertOnSpill: false, // spilling will put the element back where it was dragged from, if this is true
removeOnSpill: false, // spilling will .remove
the element, if this is true
mirrorContainer: document.body, // set the element that gets mirror elements appended
ignoreInputTextSelection: true // allows users to select input text, see details below
});, (*57)
--- ### Dragon Drop Accessible drag-and-drop list reorder plugin. [Dragon Drop](
grozzzny\depends\dragon_drop\DragonDropAsset, (*58)
```js var demo2 = document.getElementById('demo-2'); new DragonDrop(demo2, { handle: false, announcement: { grabbed: function(el) {}, dropped: function(el) {}, reorder: function(el, items) {}, cancel: 'Reschedule cancelled.' } });
The simple and high performance library to allow HTML/SVG element to be dragged. PlainDraggable, (*59)
Sticky is a jQuery plugin that gives you the ability to make any element on your page always stay visible. Sticky, (*60)
```js $(document).ready(function(){ $("#sticker").sticky({topSpacing:0}); });, (*61)
--- ### jQuery Cookie Plugin A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for reading, writing and deleting cookies. [jQuery Cookie Plugin](
'grozzzny\depends\cookie\CookieAsset', (*62)
```js //Create session cookie: $.cookie('name', 'value'); //Create expiring cookie, 7 days from then: $.cookie('name', 'value', { expires: 7 }); //Create expiring cookie, valid across entire site: $.cookie('name', 'value', { expires: 7, path: '/' }); //Read cookie: $.cookie('name'); // => "value" // Returns true when cookie was successfully deleted, otherwise false $.removeCookie('name'); // => true
Depends for Yii2
yii depends