9999999-devAccess weather and geo data via the JSON/XML RESTful Apixu API directly in your Yii2 project
The Requires
by Gideon Nyaga
api extension yii2 weather weather forecast apixu current weather yii2-yiipixu yiipixu
Access weather and geo data via the JSON/XML RESTful Apixu API directly in your Yii2 project
Access weather and geo data via the JSON/XML RESTful Apixu API directly in your Yii2 project, (*1)
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer., (*2)
Either run, (*3)
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist "giddyeffects/yii2-yiipixu":"@dev"
or add, (*4)
"giddyeffects/yii2-yiipixu": "@dev"
to the require section of your composer.json
file., (*5)
First get an Apixu API key here., (*6)
Once the extension is installed, simply add the following code in your application configuration:, (*7)
return [ //.... 'components' => [ //... 'apixu' => [ 'class' => 'giddyeffects\yiipixu\Apixu', 'api_key' => 'YOUR_APIXU_API_KEY', ], ], ];
You can now access the extension via \Yii::$app->apixu;, (*8)
For more details refer to the Apixu Documentation., (*9)
$weather = \Yii::$app->apixu; $weather->query = 'Nairobi'; $weather->request(); if(!$weather->response->error){ echo "<h1>Current Weather</h1>"; echo "<h2>Location</h2>"; echo "City: ". $weather->response->location->name; echo "<br>"; echo "Region: ".$weather->response->location->region; echo "<br>"; echo "Country: ".$weather->response->location->country; echo "<br>"; echo "Lat: ".$weather->response->location->lat." , Long:".$weather->response->location->lon; echo "<h2>Temperature</h2>"; echo "<br>"; echo "Temperature (°C): " . $weather->response->current->temp_c; echo "<br>"; echo "Feels like (°C)". $weather->response->current->feelslike_c; echo "<br>"; echo "<br>"; echo "Temperature (°F): " . $weather->response->current->temp_f; echo "<br>"; echo "Feels like (°F)". $weather->response->current->feelslike_f; echo "<br>"; echo "Condition: <img src='" . $weather->response->current->condition->icon ."'>" . $weather->response->current->condition->text; echo "<h2>Wind</h2>"; echo $weather->response->current->wind_mph." mph <br>"; echo $weather->response->current->wind_kph." kph <br>"; echo $weather->response->current->wind_degree."° " . $weather->response->current->wind_dir."<br>"; echo "Humidity: ".$weather->response->current->humidity; echo "<br><br><br>"; echo "Updated On: ".$weather->response->current->last_updated."<br/>"; } else { echo $weather->response->error->message; } $weather->api_method = 'forecast'; $weather->query = "Mombasa"; $weather->days = 3; echo "<h1>Weather forecast for the next $weather->days days for $weather->query </h1><br/>"; $weather->request(); if(!$weather->response->error){ foreach ($weather->response->forecast->forecastday as $day) { echo "<table>"; echo "<tr><td colspan='4' border='0'><h2>{$day->date}</h2> Sunrise: {$day->astro->sunrise} <br> Sunset: {$day->astro->sunset}" . "<br> condition: {$day->day->condition->text} <img src=' {$day->day->condition->icon}'/></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td> </td><td>Max.<br>Temperature</td><td>Min.<br>Temperature</td><td>Avg.<br>Temperature</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>°C</td><td>{$day->day->maxtemp_c}</td><td>{$day->day->mintemp_c}</td><td>{$day->day->avgtemp_c}</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>°F</td><td>{$day->day->maxtemp_f}</td><td>{$day->day->mintemp_f}</td><td>{$day->day->avgtemp_f}</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td><h4>Wind</h4></td><td colspan='3'>{$day->day->maxwind_mph}Mph <br> {$day->day->maxwind_kph}kph </td></tr>"; foreach ($day->hour as $hr){ echo "<tr><td colspan='4' border='0'>"; echo "<table style='width:100%;'>"; echo "<tr><td>Time</td><td>Temperature</td><td>Wind</td><td>Humidity</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td><div>{$hr->time}<img src=' {$hr->condition->icon}'/></div></td><td>{$hr->temp_c}°C<br>{$hr->temp_f}°F</td><td>{$hr->wind_mph}Mph <br> {$hr->wind_kph}kph</td><td>$hr->humidity</td></tr>"; echo "</table></tr></td>"; } echo "</table> <br>"; } } else { echo $weather->response->error->message; }
Go to the Interactive API Explorer to test the API., (*10)
Access weather and geo data via the JSON/XML RESTful Apixu API directly in your Yii2 project
api extension yii2 weather weather forecast apixu current weather yii2-yiipixu yiipixu