9999999-devCommon Entity Module for yii2
GPL v2
The Requires
yii2 frenzel gmbh address module
Common Entity Module for yii2
Common Entity Module (Frenzel GmbH 2014) v.0.1, (*1)
Add the following line to your composer.json require section:, (*2)
php yii migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/frenzelgmbh/cm-entity/migrations
Inside your yii-config, pls. add the following lines to your modules section. As you might see, the gridview needs to be implemented too., (*3)
'entity'=>[ 'class' => 'frenzelgmbh\cmentity\Module', ], 'gridview' => [ 'class' => '\kartik\grid\Module' ],
After this, you should be able to see the set of build in widgets and options under:, (*4)
http://yourhost/index.php?r=entity/default/test, (*5)
The Entity module is use to store Entity/location informations, that can be linked to any other "module". So in general all modules are referenced by:, (*6)
Our Entity Model is based upon an article of "flexible entity design patterns" and is focused on relations between entities while keeping each entity as a unique one., (*7)
The "create"-Button:, (*8)
if(class_exists('\frenzelgmbh\cmentity\widgets\CreateEntityModal')){ echo \frenzelgmbh\cmentity\widgets\CreateEntityModal::widget(array( 'module' => 'tbl_test', 'id' => 1 )); }
The "related"-Grid:, (*9)
if(class_exists('\frenzelgmbh\cmentity\widgets\RelatedEntityGrid')){ echo \frenzelgmbh\cmentity\widgets\RelatedEntityGrid::widget(array( 'module' => 'tbl_test', 'id' => 1 )); }
Common Entity Module for yii2
GPL v2
yii2 frenzel gmbh address module