Packaging Experian QAS Pro On Demand for Yii2 and Packagist, (*1)
Rough Usage Example, (*2)
This example is based on the Yii2 Framework, hence \Yii::$app->params['qas.username']
and \Yii::$app->params['qas.password']
will yield username and password from the Yii parameters file., (*3)
This example performs the setup and search., (*4)
define("CONTROL_WSDL_URN", "https://your.wsdl.storage/ProOnDemandService.wsdl");
$qas = new \exertis\experianqas\QuickAddress(CONTROL_WSDL_URN);
if (empty($qas)) {
throw new Exception('QAS: Initial connection failed');
$qas->setQASCredentials(\Yii::$app->params['qas.username'], \Yii::$app->params['qas.password']);
// Find out available DataSets
$aDataSets = $qas->getAllDataSets();
$sPromptSet = $qas->getPromptSet('GBR');
$layouts = $qas->getAllLayouts('GBR');
# Perform the initial search (singleline engine, flattened picklists)
$picklist = $qas->searchSingleline('GBR', [$postcode], 'Optimal');
The result is a 'picklist' which you could process as follows:, (*5)
if (!empty($picklist->atItems) && is_array($picklist->atItems)) {
// loop through each possible matched address
$addresses = [];
foreach ($picklist->atItems as $atItem) {
//$formattedAddress = $qas->getFormattedAddress('QADefault', $atItem->Moniker);
$formattedAddress = $qas->getFormattedAddress('FullPAF', $atItem->Moniker); // FormattedAddress
$address = [
'picklistvalue' => $atItem->Picklist,
'flatNumber' => $formattedAddress->atAddressLines[5]->Line, // Sub-building name
'houseName' => $formattedAddress->atAddressLines[7]->Line, // Building name
'houseNumber' => $formattedAddress->atAddressLines[8]->Line, // Building number
'streetName' => $formattedAddress->atAddressLines[15]->Line, // Thoroughfare
'locality' => $formattedAddress->atAddressLines[18]->Line, // Dependent locality
'town' => $formattedAddress->atAddressLines[20]->Line, // Town
'county' => $formattedAddress->atAddressLines[21]->Line, // County
'id' => $atItem->Moniker,
$addresses[] = $address;
} // foreach