9999999-devucpaas sms sdk for Yii2
The Requires
by EvansYe
sms yii ucpaas yii2-ucpaas
ucpaas sms sdk for Yii2
Yii2 SMS extension (云之讯短信扩展), (*1)
项目需要,目前只封装了短信发送,其余的功能抽空添加上。, (*2)
第一次提交代码到github,难免会有问题,请包涵,欢迎提出问题。, (*3)
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer., (*4)
To install, either run, (*5)
$ php composer.phar require evans/yii2-ucpaas "dev-master"
or add, (*6)
"evans/yii2-ucpaas": "dev-master"
to the require
section of your composer.json
file., (*7)
return [ 'components' => [ 'tongzhi' =>[ 'class' => 'evans\ucpaas\SmsUcpaas', 'accountsid' => '这里填写您的Account Sid', 'token' => '这里填写您的Auth Token', 'appId' => '这里请填写您的应用id', 'templateId' => '填写短信模板id', ], 'yanzhma' =>[ 'class' => 'evans\ucpaas\SmsUcpaas', 'accountsid' => '这里填写您的Account Sid', 'token' => '这里填写您的Auth Token', 'appId' => '这里请填写您的应用id', 'templateId' => '填写短信模板id', ], ], ];
支持多配置, (*8)
调用方式: $sms = Yii::$app->tongzhi; $param = "Evans,123123,jiangsu,china";//短信发送内容,以逗号分隔,具体多少个参数取决于短信模板里面 var_dump($sms->sendSMS('15298745787',$param));//调用短信发送
yii2-ucpaas is released under the MIT License., (*9)
ucpaas sms sdk for Yii2
sms yii ucpaas yii2-ucpaas