2017 © Pedro Peláez

yii2-extension yii2-currency-converter

This extension will help to find out current currency conversion rate. This extension uses Open Exchange Rates's currency conversion API



This extension will help to find out current currency conversion rate. This extension uses Open Exchange Rates's currency conversion API

  • Wednesday, September 6, 2017
  • by elzix
  • Repository
  • 1 Watchers
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  • 52 Installations
  • PHP
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  • 1 Versions
  • 41 % Grown


Yii2 Currency Converter

This extension will help to find out current currency conversion rate. This extension uses Open Exchange Rates's currency conversion API., (*1)

Why Use It

  • Reliable Rate, Uses Open Exchange Rates API
  • Conversion without curreny code (from country code)
  • Conversion of multiple currencies (Comma separated)


  • PHP version 5.4 or later
  • Curl Extension (Optional)


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer., (*2)

Either run, (*3)

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist elzix/yii2-currency-converter "dev-master"

or add, (*4)

"elzix/yii2-currency-converter": "dev-master"

to the require section of your composer.json file., (*5)


First create an account on https://openexchangerates.org/ to obtain an API Key., (*6)

Once the extension is installed, simply use it in your code by :, (*7)

use Yii;
use elzix\CurrencyConverter\CurrencyConverter;

$converter = new CurrencyConverter();
$ratea =  $converter->convert('Your-API-Key', 'USD', 'NPR'); // Use Single Currency Code
$rateb =  $converter->convert('Your-API-Key', 'USD', 'NGN,NPR,KES'); // Use Multiple Currency Codes
$ratec =  $converter->convert('Your-API-Key', 'US', 'NP'); // Use Single Country Code
$rated =  $converter->convert('Your-API-Key', 'US', 'NG,NP,KE'); // Use Multiple Country Codes
$ratee =  $converter->convert('Your-API-Key', 'USD', 'NG,NPR,KE'); // Mix Multiple Country/Currency Codes

print_r($ratea);  // it will print current Nepalese currency (NPR) rate according to USD
print_r($rateb);  // it will print current Nigerian, Nepalese and Kenyan currencies (NGN,NPR,KES) rates according to USD
print_r($ratec);  // it will print current Nepalese (NP) currency rate according to US
print_r($rated);  // it will print current Nigerian, Nepalese and Kenyan (NG,NP,KE) currencies rates according to US
print_r($ratee);  // it will print current Nigerian, Nepalese and Kenyan currencies (NG,NPR,KE) rates according to USD

$z = 'KE';
print $ratee->$z;  // it will print current Kenyan (KE) currency rate inside $ratee object

Available Currency Codes

$currencies = [
        'AF' => 'AFA',
        'AL' => 'ALL',
        'DZ' => 'DZD',
        'AS' => 'USD',
        'AD' => 'EUR',
        'AO' => 'AOA',
        'AI' => 'XCD',
        'AQ' => 'NOK',
        'AG' => 'XCD',
        'AR' => 'ARA',
        'AM' => 'AMD',
        'AW' => 'AWG',
        'AU' => 'AUD',
        'AT' => 'EUR',
        'AZ' => 'AZM',
        'BS' => 'BSD',
        'BH' => 'BHD',
        'BD' => 'BDT',
        'BB' => 'BBD',
        'BY' => 'BYR',
        'BE' => 'EUR',
        'BZ' => 'BZD',
        'BJ' => 'XAF',
        'BM' => 'BMD',
        'BT' => 'BTN',
        'BO' => 'BOB',
        'BA' => 'BAM',
        'BW' => 'BWP',
        'BV' => 'NOK',
        'BR' => 'BRL',
        'IO' => 'GBP',
        'BN' => 'BND',
        'BG' => 'BGL',
        'BF' => 'XAF',
        'BI' => 'BIF',
        'KH' => 'KHR',
        'CM' => 'XAF',
        'CA' => 'CAD',
        'CV' => 'CVE',
        'KY' => 'KYD',
        'CF' => 'XAF',
        'TD' => 'XAF',
        'CL' => 'CLF',
        'CN' => 'CNY',
        'CX' => 'AUD',
        'CC' => 'AUD',
        'CO' => 'COP',
        'KM' => 'KMF',
        'CD' => 'CDZ',
        'CG' => 'XAF',
        'CK' => 'NZD',
        'CR' => 'CRC',
        'HR' => 'HRK',
        'CU' => 'CUP',
        'CY' => 'EUR',
        'CZ' => 'CZK',
        'DK' => 'DKK',
        'DJ' => 'DJF',
        'DM' => 'XCD',
        'DO' => 'DOP',
        'TP' => 'TPE',
        'EC' => 'USD',
        'EG' => 'EGP',
        'SV' => 'USD',
        'GQ' => 'XAF',
        'ER' => 'ERN',
        'EE' => 'EEK',
        'ET' => 'ETB',
        'FK' => 'FKP',
        'FO' => 'DKK',
        'FJ' => 'FJD',
        'FI' => 'EUR',
        'FR' => 'EUR',
        'FX' => 'EUR',
        'GF' => 'EUR',
        'PF' => 'XPF',
        'TF' => 'EUR',
        'GA' => 'XAF',
        'GM' => 'GMD',
        'GE' => 'GEL',
        'DE' => 'EUR',
        'GH' => 'GHC',
        'GI' => 'GIP',
        'GR' => 'EUR',
        'GL' => 'DKK',
        'GD' => 'XCD',
        'GP' => 'EUR',
        'GU' => 'USD',
        'GT' => 'GTQ',
        'GN' => 'GNS',
        'GW' => 'GWP',
        'GY' => 'GYD',
        'HT' => 'HTG',
        'HM' => 'AUD',
        'VA' => 'EUR',
        'HN' => 'HNL',
        'HK' => 'HKD',
        'HU' => 'HUF',
        'IS' => 'ISK',
        'IN' => 'INR',
        'ID' => 'IDR',
        'IR' => 'IRR',
        'IQ' => 'IQD',
        'IE' => 'EUR',
        'IL' => 'ILS',
        'IT' => 'EUR',
        'CI' => 'XAF',
        'JM' => 'JMD',
        'JP' => 'JPY',
        'JO' => 'JOD',
        'KZ' => 'KZT',
        'KE' => 'KES',
        'KI' => 'AUD',
        'KP' => 'KPW',
        'KR' => 'KRW',
        'KW' => 'KWD',
        'KG' => 'KGS',
        'LA' => 'LAK',
        'LV' => 'LVL',
        'LB' => 'LBP',
        'LS' => 'LSL',
        'LR' => 'LRD',
        'LY' => 'LYD',
        'LI' => 'CHF',
        'LT' => 'EUR',
        'LU' => 'EUR',
        'MO' => 'MOP',
        'MK' => 'MKD',
        'MG' => 'MGF',
        'MW' => 'MWK',
        'MY' => 'MYR',
        'MV' => 'MVR',
        'ML' => 'XAF',
        'MT' => 'EUR',
        'MH' => 'USD',
        'MQ' => 'EUR',
        'MR' => 'MRO',
        'MU' => 'MUR',
        'YT' => 'EUR',
        'MX' => 'MXN',
        'FM' => 'USD',
        'MD' => 'MDL',
        'MC' => 'EUR',
        'MN' => 'MNT',
        'MS' => 'XCD',
        'MA' => 'MAD',
        'MZ' => 'MZM',
        'MM' => 'MMK',
        'NA' => 'NAD',
        'NR' => 'AUD',
        'NP' => 'NPR',
        'NL' => 'EUR',
        'AN' => 'ANG',
        'NC' => 'XPF',
        'NZ' => 'NZD',
        'NI' => 'NIC',
        'NE' => 'XOF',
        'NG' => 'NGN',
        'NU' => 'NZD',
        'NF' => 'AUD',
        'MP' => 'USD',
        'NO' => 'NOK',
        'OM' => 'OMR',
        'PK' => 'PKR',
        'PW' => 'USD',
        'PA' => 'PAB',
        'PG' => 'PGK',
        'PY' => 'PYG',
        'PE' => 'PEI',
        'PH' => 'PHP',
        'PN' => 'NZD',
        'PL' => 'PLN',
        'PT' => 'EUR',
        'PR' => 'USD',
        'QA' => 'QAR',
        'RE' => 'EUR',
        'RO' => 'ROL',
        'RU' => 'RUB',
        'RW' => 'RWF',
        'KN' => 'XCD',
        'LC' => 'XCD',
        'VC' => 'XCD',
        'WS' => 'WST',
        'SM' => 'EUR',
        'ST' => 'STD',
        'SA' => 'SAR',
        'SN' => 'XOF',
        'CS' => 'EUR',
        'SC' => 'SCR',
        'SL' => 'SLL',
        'SG' => 'SGD',
        'SK' => 'EUR',
        'SI' => 'EUR',
        'SB' => 'SBD',
        'SO' => 'SOS',
        'ZA' => 'ZAR',
        'GS' => 'GBP',
        'ES' => 'EUR',
        'LK' => 'LKR',
        'SH' => 'SHP',
        'PM' => 'EUR',
        'SD' => 'SDG',
        'SR' => 'SRG',
        'SJ' => 'NOK',
        'SZ' => 'SZL',
        'SE' => 'SEK',
        'CH' => 'CHF',
        'SY' => 'SYP',
        'TW' => 'TWD',
        'TJ' => 'TJR',
        'TZ' => 'TZS',
        'TH' => 'THB',
        'TG' => 'XAF',
        'TK' => 'NZD',
        'TO' => 'TOP',
        'TT' => 'TTD',
        'TN' => 'TND',
        'TR' => 'TRY',
        'TM' => 'TMM',
        'TC' => 'USD',
        'TV' => 'AUD',
        'UG' => 'UGS',
        'UA' => 'UAH',
        'SU' => 'SUR',
        'AE' => 'AED',
        'GB' => 'GBP',
        'US' => 'USD',
        'UM' => 'USD',
        'UY' => 'UYU',
        'UZ' => 'UZS',
        'VU' => 'VUV',
        'VE' => 'VEF',
        'VN' => 'VND',
        'VG' => 'USD',
        'VI' => 'USD',
        'WF' => 'XPF',
        'XO' => 'XOF',
        'EH' => 'MAD',
        'ZM' => 'ZMK',
        'ZW' => 'USD'

The Versions

06/09 2017



This extension will help to find out current currency conversion rate. This extension uses Open Exchange Rates's currency conversion API

  Sources   Download


The Requires


by Erix Kivuti

extension yii2