To use Elephants Group follow module first you must install module, then you can use follow widget anywhere in your website., (*1)
Installation Steps:
1) run, (*2)
php composer.phar require elephantsgroup/eg-follow "*", (*3)
or add "elephantsgroup/eg-follow": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json file., (*4)
2) migrate database, (*5)
yii migrate --migrationPath=vendor/elephantsgroup/eg-follow/migrations, (*6)
3) add follow module to common configuration (common/config.php file), (*7)
'modules' => [
'follow' => [
'class' => 'elephantsGroup\follow\Module',
, (*8)
4) open access to module in common configuration, (*9)
'as access' => [
'class' => 'mdm\admin\components\AccessControl',
'allowActions' => [
, (*10)
5) filter admin controller in frontend configuration (frontend/config.php file), (*11)
'modules' => [
'follow' => [
'as frontend' => 'elephantsGroup\follow\filters\FrontendFilter',
, (*12)
5) filter ajax controller in backend configuration (backend/config.php file), (*13)
'modules' => [
'follow' => [
'as backend' => 'elephantsGroup\follow\filters\BackendFilter',
, (*14)
Anywhere in your code you can use follow widget as follows:
<?= Follows::widget() ?>
, (*15)
You need to use Follows widget header in your page:
use elephantsGroup\follow\components\Follows;
, (*16)
- item (integer): to separate follows between different items.
<?= Follows::widget(['item' => 1]) ?>
<?= Follows::widget(['item' => $model->id]) ?>
default value for item is 0
- service (integer): to separate follows between various item types.
<?= Folloes::widget(['service' => 1, 'item' => $model->id]) ?>
, (*17)
for example you can use different values for different modules in your app, and then use follow widget separately in modules.
default value for service is 0
- color (string): color of unfollowed icon heart, default 'black'
<?= Follows::widget(['service' => 1, ''item' => $model->id, 'color' => 'yellow']) ?>
, (*18)
- view_file (string): the view file path for rendering
<?= Follows::widget([
'service' => 1,
'item' => $model->id,
'color' => 'yellow',
'view_file' => Yii::getAlias('@frontend') . '/views/follow/widget.php'
]) ?>
, (*19)
you can use these variables in your customized view:
* service
* item
* color
* is_follow, (*20)