, (*1)
Extension that allows you to install, uninstall, activate and deactivate Yii2 or DotPlant extensions right through your web browser., (*2)
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer., (*3)
Either run, (*4)
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist devgroup/yii2-extensions-manager "*"
or add, (*5)
"devgroup/yii2-extensions-manager": "*"
After it you should execute migrations:, (*6)
/usr/bin/php yii migrate --migrationPath=@DevGroup/DeferredTasks/migrations
This extension is a yii module because you should add the next code to your configuration file for an activation:, (*7)
'modules' => [
'extensions-manager' => [
'class' => 'DevGroup\ExtensionsManager\ExtensionsManager',
Now the extension as available by route /extensions-manager/extensions/index
., (*8)
Extension is now on the development stage.
You can use it at your own risk., (*10)
You have to have correct version of the migrate controller
equal or above 0.3.1. And double check MigrateController::getMigrationHistory()
method supports
property, (*12)
Extensions manager has several options. It is strongly recommended to configure them, before you start., (*13)
Go to your-site.com/extensions-manager/extensions/config and fill fields with your own values:
- Github API access token - your personal Github API token. Without it you will be able to process only up to
60 requests per hour see.
- Github application name - see
- Path to Composer - your system path to composer. For Unix-like operating system you can simply run
which composer
in console and copy/paste output to this field, (*14)
Other fields you can leave with default values:
- Packagist URL
- Github API URL
- Extensions storage
- Extensions per page
- Verbose output, (*15)
Console commands
Each command can be run with standard ./yii
command:, (*16)
Activates extension by it's composer name.
Example:, (*17)
./yii extension/activate devgroup/yii2-media-storage
Deactivates extension by it's composer name., (*18)
Updates config.
Calculates differences between @vengor/composer/installed.json
and ExtensionsManager::$extensionsStorage
and writes new ExtensionsManager::$extensionsStorage
That should be done when you are out of sync and you don't see your extension in list., (*19)
Show the list of all installed extensions, it's active state and composer package type., (*20)
TBD, (*21)