Config builder class proposes a special configuration files structure to make it easier to configure Your Yii2 application for different environments., (*1)
Install extension with composer.
- add repository to list of repositories (composer.json), (*2)
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://github.com/daprime-com/yii-configbuilder"
- add configbuilder to require section
"daprime-com/yii-configbuilder": "0.*"
Prepare config folder files structure to look like this:, (*3)
- base
--- common
--- web
--- console
- prod
--- common
--- web
--- console
... any other environments
The workflow of ConfigBuilder is following:
- takes common file from base directory
- takes (web|console) file from base directory (depends on web or cli execution)
- takes YII_ENV constant value to know what environment is used
- takes common file from (prod|dev|test) directory
- takes (web|console) file from env directory, (*4)
To initialize ConfigBuilder change your application entry points like that:, (*5)
// Before
$config = require(__DIR__ . '/../config/web.php');
(new yii\web\Application($config))->run();
// After
Yii::setAlias('@root', $rootPath); //root alias is required for builder to work
$configBuilder = new \yii\configbuilder\ConfigBuilder();
(new yii\web\Application($configBuilder->getWebConfig()))->run();