9999999-devTinyPng for Yii 2
The Requires
by BIG Brush Agency ApS
yii2 image optimization compression
TinyPng for Yii 2
TinyPng provides an Yii2 integration of TinyPng., (*1)
With it you can compress PNG and JPG images without loosing image quality. You can also resize images while also compressing the images in the process., (*2)
Run the following command, (*3)
composer require "bigbrush/yii2-tinypng:dev-master"
Or add this to your composer file, (*4)
"bigbrush/yii2-tinypng": "dev-master"
Image compression/optimizing, (*5)
$tiny = new TinyPng(['apiKey' => 'YOUR API KEY']); // compress image - overwrite file $tiny->compress('path/to/file/to/compress'); // compress image - create a new image $tiny->compress('path/to/file/to/compress', 'path/to/file/after/compression'); // get current monthly compression count $count = $tiny->usage();
Image resizing, (*6)
Image resizing requires a configuration array to be passed., (*7)
[ 'method' => 'fit', 'width' => 150, 'height' => 100, ]
Available methods are: - scale - fit - cover, (*8)
See TinyPng docs for information about each method., (*9)
// resize image - overwrite file $tiny->resize('path/to/file/to/resize', null, ['method' => 'fit', 'width' => 150, 'height' => 100]); // resize image - create a new image $tiny->resize('path/to/file/to/resize', 'path/to/file/after/resizing', ['method' => 'fit', 'width' => 150, 'height' => 100]);
TinyPng for Yii 2
yii2 image optimization compression