9999999-devjqDesktop based component for Yii2
BSD 3-Clause
The Requires
by Steve Guns
yii2 applications desktop
jqDesktop based component for Yii2
A number of years ago Nathan Smith came up with a jQuery/jQuery-UI proof of concept of a sort of windows deskop working in a browser. He called it "jqDesktop"., (*1)
I really liked this and can imagine it as a very nice tool for the admin pages of a site for example., (*2)
I decided to try to link this to my Framework of choice for a very easy usage., (*3)
There's still a lot of work to be done, but so far it is already usable. All you have to do is create a Desktop instance and feed it a number of Application instances. By default it will create icons on the desktop for them., (*4)
Every Application is linked to a url. When the application is started, it will load the actual url via an iframe., (*5)
If you supply the Desktop instance with an eventUrl, the javascript part will postback all desktop related changes back to that url., (*6)
If you combine this with the fact that the Desktop has the ability to serialize and restore itself into/from an array of data and you can do nice things with this., (*7)
A lot of things, obviously. The original PoC contained things like a background, a menu and so on. My idea here is to implement MacOS like functionality., (*8)
A possible (very basic) setup:, (*9)
public function actionIndex() { echo $this->loadDesktop()->run(); } public function actionDesktopEvent() { $desktop = $this->loadDesktop(); if ($desktop->event()) $_SESSION['desktop'] = serialize($desktop->toData()); } public function loadDesktop() { if (!isset($_SESSION['desktop'])) { // No saved version yet, create the desktop $desktop = \Yii::createObject(['class' => '\bedezign\yii2\desktop\Desktop', 'id' => 'admin', 'eventUrl' => \yii\helpers\Url::to(['/admin/default/desktop-event'])]); $desktop->registerApplication(\Yii::createObject(['class' => '\bedezign\yii2\desktop\Application', 'id' => 'testing', 'title' => 'Test Application', 'route' => '/admin/users'])); } else $desktop = \bedezign\yii2\desktop\Desktop::createFromData(unserialize($_SESSION['desktop'])); return $desktop; }
And that is it. This would show you a desktop with a single icon (default image). When opened, the iframe would contain whatever your admin UsersController::actionIndex() returns., (*10)
If you have CSRF enabled you'll have to disable it for the desktop event action, as it won't include the token and get blocked:, (*11)
public function beforeAction($action) { if ($action->id == 'desktop-event') this->enableCsrfValidation = false; return parent::beforeAction($action); }
Note that this does not define icons, so the default one will be included. If you want to add custom icons, all you need to do is specify an 'icon' => '<image path>'
in the application creation (or an instance of either an Icon
or a GlyphIcon
) and you're golden., (*12)
jqDesktop based component for Yii2
BSD 3-Clause
yii2 applications desktop