9999999-devEnable work with PostgreSQL array of integer, in AR.
The Requires
by Barkov Roman
extension postgres yii2
Enable work with PostgreSQL array of integer, in AR.
Enable work with PostgreSQL array of integer, in yii2 ActiveRecord., (*1)
This extension contains validator and behavior., (*2)
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer., (*3)
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist barkov/pgsqlint "dev-master"
or add, (*4)
"barkov/pgsqlint": "dev-master"
to the require section of your composer.json file., (*5)
Validator, (*6)
use barkov\pgsqlint\PgIntegerArrayValidator; ..., (*7)
public function rules(){ return [['field_name', 'intArray', 'skipOnEmpty' => true]]; }
Behavior, (*8)
In your ActiveRecord model., (*9)
public function behaviors(){ return [ 'PgIntegerArrayBehavior' => [ 'class' => \barkov\pgsqlint\PgIntegerArrayBehavior::className(), 'field' => 'field_name', ] ] }
Note: If use as behavior - validator included. You don't need adding validation., (*10)
Enable work with PostgreSQL array of integer, in AR.
extension postgres yii2