This widget help you with building admin interface. You can select some elements in pretty interface and see selected items in another pretty compact interface., (*1)
1. "read-only" condition if you want
2. easy search in elements
3. bootstrap admin LTE integration, (*2)
In view:, (*3)
<?= HandpickedList::widget([
'dataProvider' => $handpickedListProvider,
'modelWithRelations' => 'GeneralPages[manageWidgets]',
'title' => 'Блоки страницы',
'readOnly' => false,
'collapse' => true,
'usingColumns' => ['id', 'name', 'code', 'own_description'],
'customSelectionColumn' => 'id',
'customSelection' => $selectedItems,
]) ?>
Base block (every item is clickable):
, (*4)
, (*5)
Pop-up with all elemnts:
, (*6)
Collapsed base block:
, (*7)
, (*8)
Disable all options:
<?= HandpickedList::widget([
'dataProvider' => $handpickedListProvider,
'modelWithRelations' => 'GeneralPages[manageWidgets]',
'title' => 'Блоки страницы',
'readOnly' => true,
'collapse' => false,
'usingColumns' => ['id', 'name', 'code', 'own_description'],
'customSelectionColumn' => 'id',
'customSelection' => $selectedItems,
]) ?>
, (*9)
, (*10)
About options:
1. dataProvider (array | object)
Seems like:
'dataProvider' => $handpickedListProvider,
, (*11)
must be an array:, (*12)
0 => [
'name' => 'название'
'code' => '123'
'checked' => false
'type' => ''
'id' => '4'
1 => [
'name' => 'Второй блок для теста'
'code' => 'html2'
'checked' => true
'type' => ''
'id' => '5'
OR object from ArrayDataProvider
, (*13)
[key] => null
[allModels] => [
0 => [
'id' => '4'
'code' => '123'
'name' => 'название'
'own_description' => 'примечание'
1 => [
'id' => '5'
'code' => 'html2'
'name' => 'Второй блок для теста'
'own_description' => ''
[modelClass] => null
[id] => null
[yii\data\BaseDataProvider:_sort] => null
[yii\data\BaseDataProvider:_pagination] => null
[yii\data\BaseDataProvider:_keys] => null
[yii\data\BaseDataProvider:_models] => null
[yii\data\BaseDataProvider:_totalCount] => null
[yii\base\Component:_events] => []
[yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => null
2. usingColumns (array)
Columns, which will be used for display in widget. Example:
'usingColumns' => ['id', 'name', 'code'],
, (*14)
First normal column will be text title for element. Here is 'name'
, (*15)
3. customSelectionColumn (string)
Column name, which detect selected elements.
default = 'id'
, (*16)
4. customSelection (array)
Array of selected elements in customSelectionColumn.
For example:
'customSelection' => [4, 5]
, (*17)
That`s mean elements with id=4 and id=5 will be selected, (*18)
5. detectedColumns (array)
key - value array, which 'key' is column 'value' is value.
For example:
'detectedColumns' => ['code' => 123];
, (*19)
Every element where code == 123 will be selected., (*20)
You can make many rules: 'detectedColumns' => ['code' => 123, 'id' => '5'];
, but dont create it :-), (*21)
Default ['active' => true]
, (*22)
6. modelWithRelations (string)
Specify the model and relations names, which will be save input data (selected items).
For example:
'modelWithRelations' => 'GeneralPages'
'modelWithRelations' => 'GeneralPages[manageWidgets][anyRelation]'
, (*23)
in view 'modelWithRelations' => 'GeneralPages[manageWidgets]'
shows as:, (*24)
<input type="hidden" name="GeneralPages[manageWidgets][]" value="5">
and savings via manageWidgets
relation., (*25)
Sorry for this ugly method
Help me to create good solution., (*26)
, (*27)
Widget has no paginate! Don`t use it if you have more than 1000 elements.
, (*28)
On GitHub:
On Packagist:, (*29)